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Engineering a Forest

Posted on Wed Feb 10th, 2010 @ 12:50am by

525 words; about a 3 minute read

Location: Starbase Typhon: Deck 59

Cadets. Cadets everywhere.

Faron looked at Murphy appreciatively. "How many cadets did you con into helping?"

Murphy shrugged. "I asked the Chief about it. He instructed any, and all Cadets to show up for retrofitting. Said it was, and I quote, 'a final exam'."

Faron looked about the absolute chaos that was some kind of micro-filter pad installation, and the reinforcement of every, and any possible system that could potentially be damaged by plant growth. "How many Cadets are there?"

"There are about 5 or 6 of them helping with the final installations on the Alabama, and the rest of a class of 70 are present." Murphy replied.

"Wow. Amalia will be pleased. She's still dealing with getting the required plant material in." Faron replied.

Chief Engineer Joey Chaplin overheard most of this, and nodded. "I figure we should have most of the deck properly retrofitted within, at the most, 12 hours. Most of these installations are superficial, and require little to no extra wiring. It's just straight welding."

Faron looked startled. "Within 12 hours?"

Joey nodded. "These kids are smart. I'll be sad to see a good chunk of them go."

"I imagine." Faron noted. "I think I might end up stealing your assistant, just to have a medically-trained staff member who can help Amalia with the paperwork."

Joey laughed. "Therese might actually go for that, but I haven't the foggiest who I'd replace him with."

Faron nodded at Cadet Murphy, who had quickly jumped back into the installations. "He's a good kid."

Joey looked at Murphy. "Is that a second favor? Are you actually endorsing his candidacy for assistant Chief Engineering Officer?"

Faron laughed. "You of all people should understand the value of collecting favors."

Joey nodded. "They can get you out of sticky situations."

Faron held up a file, with Joey's name on it. "Like the sealed incident between you, and Admiral Morrow's wife?"

Joey shrugged. "Not my fault she can't cook worth a damn."

Faron laughed. "Still, Mr. Chaplin, insulting the wife of an Admiral, and then getting in a bar-fight with said admiral are not exactly good for one's career."

"You a career counselor now, Ambassador?" Joey asked.

Faron shook his head. "Merely one who wants peace and harmony in the universe."

"A pie-in-the-sky ideal, but worth pursuing." Joey nodded, as he finished welding an armored plate, with a proper lock.

"Most people would think so. Not all. Bridging the gaps of understanding is my job." Faron said.

"If you ever need construction advice, drop me a line." Joey noted.

"Will it cost me any favors?" Faron asked.

"Only if it's complex, gives me a headache, or interrupts my time with a certain botanist." Joey said.

"Understandable." Faron said with a nod.

"If you'll excuse me, Ambassador, I've got a lot of plating to install."

"Of course, Lieutenant. I should probably find something to eat, as it has been a while since I last ate." Faron replied.

"Mr. Ambassador."

"Lieutenant Chaplin."


USS Alabama NPC:

Cadet Murphy
Engineering Cadet,
USS Alabama

Played By/With:

Lieutenant Junior Grade Joey Chaplin,
Chief Engineering Officer,
USS Alabama

Starbase Typhon Staff:

Doctor Faron Lenar,
UFP Ambassador,
USB Typhon.


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