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And the Diplomats pile aboard...

Posted on Thu Apr 1st, 2010 @ 8:47am by

556 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: UFP Embassy

"Ambassador Wix." Faron said with a nod.

"Ambassador Lenar. There are issues which the Trill government wishes to bring to your attention." The woman said with a nod.

Faron smiled. "I had suspected as much."

"There is currently a disease outbreak on Starbase Pinnacle, which is causing unstable diplomatic issues, which, when paired with the feathers Captain Fannin is raising, make a great cocktail for a potential war with the Romulan Government. I assume you are doing your best to rectify this." Ambassador Wix said.

"The Pinnacle is on the other side of Rihannsu space, Ambassador. I don't keep up with the Federation News service. Do you have the details?" Faron asked.

The woman nodded. "An unknown disease has quarantined the base, within 24 hours of the Romulan, Garidian, and Klingon ambassadors arriving on board."

"Oh dear." Faron whispered. "That... smells like trouble."

The woman nodded. "What steps are you taking to minimize the possibility of war between your empire, and the Romulan Empire?"

"The Federation is a democracy, Ambassador. Not an Empire. And in truth, I've been trying to keep the tension between Captain Fannin and the Rihannsu Ambassador to a minimum, with little results. If I may, Trill is on the other side of the Federation from the Rihannsu Empire. Why are you so worried?"

"A war with the Romulans would leave the Federation in a bad spot. The Cardassians are less than likely to just sit idly by, during times of Military distress, and in case you aren't familiar with the star chart, they are our' neighbours. It's making many members of my government very, very uncomfortable."

Faron frowned. "I had not thought of this. I think it's time for another sit down with the Rihannsu ambassador, and Captain Fannin."

The woman nodded. "I will be remaining aboard for a while. I'm expecting a guest, and I want to oversee this situation."

"A guest?" Faron asked.

The woman nodded. "A Lieutenant Lorne Jaxara. Of the Orion."

Faron shrugged. "Don't know him."

"He is my brother." The woman noted.

"Very well. I will have my wife, and assistant, get you set up in one of the Ambassadorial Guest Suites." Faron said with a nod. "And I appreciate the helping hand."

The woman shook her head. "I am here to observe, and report. Not intervene. The Trill government wants no part in this affair. They just want to know if they need to ready the bomb shelters."

Faron frowned. "Well in that case, get out of my office. I have work to do, and I do not have time for pointless chit chat."

The woman nodded. "As you wish, Ambassador Lenar. But tell me, are there any good bars aboard?"

"Ask Captain Fannin. He's the local restauranteur." Faron said, returning his attention to the stack of PADDs on his desk.

"Perhaps I shall." The woman said with a nod, and left.

"Good riddance." Faron muttered, as he turned to the replicator. "Green Tea."

"Please state how you would like it prepared." The computer responded.

"Strong. And with Vodka in it."

The computer played an affirmative noise.

Faron sighed, as he took a sip of the tea. Diplomacy, he decided, was getting far too complicated these days.


Doctor Faron Lenar
UFP Ambassador
USB Typhon Embassy

Ambassador Alexis Wix
Trill Ambassador to the Federation
Trill Embassy


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