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Tea, and assorted nuts.

Posted on Mon Dec 13th, 2010 @ 7:35pm by

1,017 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station

Aeshia sat in the quiet, and near empty tea room, in a borderline meditative state. A chime alerted her that someone had entered the shop, and she 'awoke' immediately.

"Hello. Welcome to Oriental Tea Rooms. What you want?" She asked, as she stood, addressing a man in a Captain's uniform she didn't recognize.

"Hello, what kind of teas do you serve?" Alex asked

"Most teas. Some teas even alcoholic, or syntheholic. You ask for tea. I make you tea. It will be good." Aeshia said with a nod.

"Ok, give me the best tea you've got." Alex said.

Aeshia nodded. "I make you sweet tea, then." She said. "Is good. You want cookie? Salad? Something to eat?"

"A Salad would be nice."

Aeshia smiled. "Select your vegetable. The menu is on table."

Alex picked up the menu and looked over it really quick."Give me a Cesar salad please." he said smiling putting the menu back down.

Aeshia nodded, and went to prepare the salad, and tea. "What ship you fly, Mister Captain man?"

"The USS Vigilant, shes a Sovereign class." Alex said said proudly.

"I know not of this ship."

"Shes new. I recently lost my other ship the USS Derecho. I kinda plowed it into another ship to save my crew and I got the Vigilant in return."

"You have bad navigator. Should not hit other ships. Is no good." Aeshia said.

"It was me who did it in order to save my crew. I pained me to do so but it was needed."

"You fly badly. No quit day job." Aeshia said with a nod.

"Good idea. Thanks for the advice." Alex said with a smile.

Aeshia finished brewing the tea, and collecting the salad. She placed it down on the table, and nodded. "I hope you have good insurance. Blowing up ships, and stuffs, you had best have all your files done up."

"Thats what my Operations officer is for." he said smiling"She handles the insurance claims."

"Wow, are my ears burning." Yaneri said, as she entered the place. "Never had you picked for a tea-room kind of guy, Captain."

"Hello Bajoran lady. You want tea?"

"Bumbleberry, if you have it. Otherwise, a raspberry analog." Yaneri said with a nod.

"We not serve bumbleberries, or analogs. We serve raspberry tea though." Aeshia said. "What is analog tea?"

Yaneri shook her head. "Just raspberry is fine, thank you."

"There are many things everyone doesn't know about me Lieutenant." Alex said as he sipped his tea.

"Well, I suppose that's true." Yaneri said with a nod. "I passed by a unique restaurant along the way, that I refrained from. Did you know there are still restaurants that sell authentically slaughtered animals?"

"Really where?!" Alex said getting excited."Oh man what I wouldn't do for a thick juicy steak or a big hamburger right about." His mouth began watering.


Yaneri stepped back. "Oh my."

"Your vegetarian I take it?"

"Yes. Vegetarian. Get. Out. Now." Aeshia said.

"I will leave when I am finished with my tea and salad, not before." Alex said as he turned back to face Yaneri.

Aeshia grabbed the bowl of salad, and tipped it over, forcing the Captain to wear it. "Out. Out I said." Aeshia said with a scowl.

Yaneri stepped back. "Uhm... I don't know... what to say."

Alex didn't move for a few moments. Instead he turned really red and looked at her."What the hell you crazy old bat! Where the hell do you come off thinking you can just simply throw crap in peoples laps because you don't like their values or they don't have the same views as you. Your ridiculous! If it weren't for people like me you'd be a fricken Borg right now Hell maybe they should assimilate you then they'll self destruct to get the hell away from you!!"

Yaneri stepped forward. "Actually, it's not because of people like you, Captain." She said softly. "You have yet to show me you are one of those Captains. And I would point out... she dumped it on your head, Captain. Not your lap. And if it weren't for people like her, we would not have anyone to fight for."

Aeshia scowled. "Out. Out of my store."

"I sure as hell wouldn't fight for her.. I'd much rather fight for a Ferengi in a gorilla suit." Alex said angrily.

"And THAT is why you are not one of those Captains, Captain. The Captains that fight for everyone's rights and freedoms, regardless of personal opinion on the individual in question, that is one of those kind of Captains. You forget, Captain. I was rescued by one of those Captains. If you don't like my opinion of it, that's your issue, not mine. We're off duty, and as the lady has pointed out, we are in her domain, not yours." Yaneri countered.

Alex just stared at Yaneri."I thought you were on my side on this one. Hell very well.. I apologize for insulting you Ms Tea Lady I will be leaving now." Alex said as he stood up and brushed off all the salad and chugged his tea."This was very good tea." he said handing her the china cup. "You coming Yaneri?"

Yaneri bowed to Aeshia. "I apologize, madame. He's normally better behaved than this."

Aeshia nodded. She said nothing.

Yaneri followed Alex out. "I don't take sides on ethical issues, Captain. I have my own opinions. She may have been wrong, but that doesn't, by default, make you right."

"Yes I suppose your right Lieutenant. So how about a burger?" Alex said with a mischievous grin.

"No, thank you, Captain." Yaneri said, with a shake of her head.

"Suit yourself." Alex said as he began walking towards the restaurant.

Yaneri watched the Captain go, and the disappeared onto the promenade.


Captain Alexander Reeder
Big Chief Whiney But

Lieutenant Yaneri
Paperwork Nazi

Aeshia Dew
Tea Nazi


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