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"Uh... well... this is awkward..."

Posted on Sun Jun 12th, 2011 @ 8:11am by

512 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: A Fresh Start
Location: Engineering

Sirgei scowled, as he read the notation in the Ship's duty log, that noted that, apparently, the Section Chief had managed to get himself arrested, during a staff meeting.

"Uhm... Awkward." Sirgei said, with a scowl, as he nodded, to a new Ensign.

"I'll say. Half the Engineering staff is still recuperating from that stupid hallucinogenic virus, and the Chief is getting into mischief?" The Ensign asked.

"We haven't even STARTED the Athena project, and we've got FOUR ships due in this week for repairs." Sirgei said. "With a significant portion of the staff-"

"Can it, kid." The Ensign said, shaking her head.

"But..." Sirgei muttered. "We're going to be a bit busy."

"'Two shifts each, for everyone on the active duty roster', busy." The Ensign said nodding.

"Find Ensign Jacobs, and Lieutenant Junior Grade Walsh. We'll need to coordinate emergency shifts." Sirgei said.

"That's better, kid. Focus on the important." The Ensign said. "And I'm Ensign Jacobs."

"Well, Never met you before. I'm-"

"Chief Warrant Officer Bobgdonovich. The Chief pointed you out, a few times, as a kid with a lot of potential." Ensign Jacobs said, nodding. "And Lieutenant Junior Grade Walsh... Lyra, or William? There's two."

"Hey, you're the one with a rank pip." Sirgei said.

"Well, find them both, I guess." Jacobs said. "I'll get a team ready to get the ship in dock fixed up within two or three days."

Sirgei shrugged. "I'll find the other two, and tell them they've been temporarily promoted to "Shift supervisor"."

"Find Lieutenant Junior Grade Whitetree, too." Jacobs said, as she headed out the door. "Keep the highest rank ones in charge."

Sirgei nodded. "I'll get the reports turned in to the CO, and the XO, of the base, and the ship, after that."

"That's what you Chief Warrant Officers are good for. Running about, and filling out paperwork." Jacobs said, as she walked through Engineering. "You, there, I need a team of 12 to Docking Bay four, in 12 minutes."

Sirgei shook his head. All this mess, because of a hallucinogenic virus, and a Vulcan getting arrested. Sirgei thought, as he tapped his comm-badge.

"Chief Warrant Officer Bobgdonovich to Lieutenant Junior Grades Walsh, Walsh, and Whitetree, please report to the main Engineering Office in ten minutes." Sirgei said, with an annoyed voice.

"Sure." Came the masculine Walsh.

"I'm sleeping, go away." Came the feminine one.

"Already here." Came Whitetree's voice.

"Lyra, Skylar has been..." Sirgei pondered his wording, carefully. "...We'll go with incapacitated. Main engineering office. Ten minutes. Or I can report you to the Captain for deserting your post."

"Go away. I'm sleeping, I said." Lyra Walsh's voice repeated.

"Plenty of time to sleep in the brig, I guess." Sirgei said with a shrug, as he headed towards the Main Engineering complex.

"Fine, I'll be there, kid, but this better be good." Lyra's voice responded.

"Oh, of that, I can assure you." Sirgei said, nodding.


Lieutenant Commanders Walsh, Walsh, and Whitetree, Chief Warrant Officer Bobgdonovich
Engineering NPCs


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