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Building a Probe

Posted on Sat Jan 9th, 2010 @ 3:33am by

319 words; about a 2 minute read

Location: Engineering Labs
Timeline: Current


Near a star, into a star, through a star; all dangerous places for most smaller starships. Sure intrepid and galaxy classes had flown through stars, but for their smaller cousins it was a suicide mission. Then again, that's why we have probes, even if you have to custom build em' to do it.

"Couter to engineering supply, could you beam a class five probe down to the lab?" Will said into the coms, "we've got some moddification to do."

"Aye sir, stand-by" came the reply, then seconds later the large case of a probe materialized on the table. "Anything else sir?"

"I'm good" Will said, starting to break down the probe like a marine breaking down their rifle; he could've done it blind folded. First was getting the top of the case off, he tapped a section of it and a touch panel lit up through the case to request an authorization code. Tap tap here, tap tap there and the case came off like a small circle through an enormous square.

"Computer, access probe internal systems and code output interfaces xray one five and xray seven nine for multiphasic power distribution" the engineer said, dumping in a new shield unit and running its power connectors straight to the master distribution unit. "Good, next set fuel read out minus four hundred of standard."

The next thing to come out was a series of tubes that would supply the fuel, and then in went an over-grown fuel tank that barely fit in. A lot of wrestling went by as the engineer struggled to get everything else connected in the now tight space; it seemed like an impossible puzzle.

Finally, a whopping three hours later the probe was online and ready to go; case on, ready to be fueled and punch through a star. Now all they needed was for a ship to beam it aboard and fire away.



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