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I Think I Need a Break

Posted on Sat Jan 14th, 2012 @ 11:42pm by Commander Krang Darkmoon

516 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: [Typhon] Through a Window Darkly
Location: Ready Room
Timeline: Current

Captain Darkmoon sat in his office, as was typical at this late hour. Most of the Gamma shift staff was off doing whatever it was that they did all night to keep the station running, so main ops was quiet.

Two voices carried through the door from the control room and that wasn't a surprise, but what seemed odd was he didn't recognize them and they sounded like they were speaking Romulan.

He stepped to the door of his office and it slid open. He stepped out and looked across the room. Sure enough, two Romulan centurions were leaning against the bulkhead, carrying on a conversation like this was nothing unusual.

"Who the hell are you and how did you get in here?" Krang shouted.

Neither of them reacted to him at all. They just kept right on chatting.

Krang slowly made his way, step by step, toward the emergency weapons locker. He tapped his commbadge, "Darkmoon to Security, intruder alert. Emergency response to Ops deck."

The two centurions never looked up. One reached into a pouch on his belt and offered the other what looked like a cigarette.

"I will ask you one more time who you are and how you got in here." he said keying in the combination and retrieving a phaser. "I am armed and will fire."

The taller of the two men laughed loudly at what the other had just said, still completely ignoring Krang.

The shorter man patted the taller on the arm, then turned and began to walk away. In the time it took Darkmoon to blink, both men were gone.

The high pitched whine of a transporter filled the air. Three armed men dressed in security yellow appear in the center of the room.

They quickly scanned the area and, seeing nothing out of place, gave Krang a questioning look. "Sir?"

"I don't know what to tell you fellas. I just saw two Romulan centurions telling jokes and sharing a smoke right over there." he said, pointing to the now empty spot on the deck.

The lead officer took out a tricorder and scanned the area. "There's nothing here, Sir. E.M. reading are a little higher than base line, but otherwise it's perfectly normal."

Krang had made his way over to where they were by this point. "I know what I saw." he protested. "They were right here."

"If I might be so bold, Sir. When was the last time you slept? It is really late and you do look a bit worn down. It has been a busy few days hasn't it?"

Krang wanted to give an angry retort, but then the logic of what the man said sank in. "Maybe you're right. It has been a while since I've had a good night's sleep. Sorry to bother you guys. You're dismissed."

The three officers made their way to the turbolift and left ops. A moment later, a fresh faced Ensign Smithers arrived. "Sir? I thought ops was supposed to be empty at this hour?"

"Yeah. I was just leaving." Krang said. "Have a good night."


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