
Breaking a ship is hard to do

Posted on Mon Feb 4th, 2019 @ 5:24pm by Captain Joshua Culver

553 words; about a 3 minute read

[Begin recording]

Ice tinkled in the background on real glass.

"They say that breaking up a ship is hard to do, I know that is true." Culver began. "Put her up to fight 3 to 1 odds and damage is assured." He paused to take a drink. "I hate to say it but I do not think the little ship that could is going to come back.He held the glass at the ready. The sight of her spinning slowly in the opposite direction of the port side nacelle was a sight I will not forget anytime soon, if ever."

The soft echo of the glass being put down.

"I lost twelve of my 'Egg Heads'; my loyal and great crew. One tends to question when looking back if there is anything I could have done to save 'one' of those lost lives. A person could go crazy with the possibilities of 'Hind Sight being 20/20.' But the answer is 'no, I could not have done anyting for them. The post action report stated I did above and beyound the expected outcome of sch a skirmish. " Culver paused for a few seconds. "Truth be known; let call it what it was, a battle. People fought and died so just quit with the polite terms to ease the blow of the losses."

He picked up the glass and took another drink.

"I know what the counselor is going to ask me when I go for the post-action session; the question on everyone that has seen my record jacket information has on the tip of their tongues. "Do I want a drink?"

Another drink from the glass.

"Hell yes I want a drink; who would not at the loss of crew and a ship?" He all but cursed. "End of most fellow Command Officer's questions; conclusions achieved, but few ask the two follow up questions. Do I 'Need a drink and WIll I or have I taken a drink?"

The sound of ice being lightly swirled in the glass.

"The answer to that is..." He took a long drink. "Hell no."


"Computer give me something stronger than lemon ice d water, strong Coffee , black." He ordered.

Sound of Replicator in background.

"Where was I; oh yeah, well that is the skinny on that. I did make a call to Fathom; hoped it would ease the nerves, she is doing well considering. Losing a romance; she wanted to try it since we had two lives anyway but I lost a marriage over distance and time away. It seemed better to let it go to being friends. I had no intentions of going that far out again and she was on an exploratory vessel on the outer edge. Yeah, that was going to work." He commented.

He went to get the coffee.

"In concluding this log that some counselor or above might listen to I want it noted in my Personal Log that the crew ; under intense battle conditions, performed admirably and the losses will be felt for a long time still. Losing family is not easy, without something to dull the pain or a beautifully soft shoulder to share makes it harder but I will survive. As it has been said 'As long as I know how to love I know I will stay alive."

[End Recording.]



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