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Incompetence of Others

Posted on Sun Dec 20th, 2009 @ 9:04pm by Commander Lucas Jackson

123 words; about a 1 minute read

Chief Science Officer's Log, Stardate 64575.17

Upon my inspection of the Arboretum, I got swept into the duty of baby-sitting the workers that were planting the various foliage that is being brought in. Some of the workers nearly killed a precious alvera tree, a gift from the Kreetassan people. Others, almost tipped over a create full of Felaran roses from the Delta Quadrant.

He worries me to see the shape of the base's current science department. For the time being, I appointed Lieutenant Cody Esposito, an Academy friend of my who happens to be a very skilled botanist, as Chief Botanist. If an official decision on who the Chief Botanist will be is not made soon, Lieutenant Espostio will keep this position.



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