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Ambassadorial Log, Stardate 64719.1

Posted on Thu Feb 11th, 2010 @ 10:46am by

247 words; about a 1 minute read

First official log of business: Starbase Typhon's Embassy

-Ambassador Miral Annwhi of the Romulan Star Empire is due to arrive on Starbase Typhon within the next week.

-Ensign Therese T'vanna was reassigned to Starbase Typhon's Embassy, as a Diplomatic aide, and potential Ambassador in training.

-USS Alabama hosted their' graduation ceremony on Deck 59's Conference Room A. This event went by almost without a hitch, save one minor medical emergency, and the banning of two individuals from Embassy grounds, until further notice. Refer to Policy changes listed below.

-Lieutenant Junior Grade T'yenn, a customs officer, is being reassigned to Starbase Typhon within the next week.

-A minor clerical issue has accidentally listed Ensign T'vanna's rank horribly wrong in the Crew Roster. A note has been sent to the Captain to have this issue resolved.

Policy and Guidelines rules and guidelines changes:

-Henshel "Crabby Bob" Rubin has been banned from the UFP Embassy until further notice.

-Aeshia Dew has been banned from the UFP Embassy until further notice.

-Several local restaurants are no longer on the 'acceptable catering list' for the UFP Embassy.

Planned Events currently scheduled for this upcoming report period:


So ends this transmission of Diplomatic Summary, which is to be logged at the Federation Embassy's head Embassy on Earth, for archiving and personal reference.

Signing off,
Ambassador Faron Lenar

((P.S.> The tea lady is crazy. Please send more green tea, so I don't have to put up with her in the near future.))


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