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The Sounds of the Expance

Posted on Fri Feb 12th, 2010 @ 3:57am by

193 words; about a 1 minute read

Personal log/ Admiral John Vail

I heard them for the first time today, after my lunch with Admiral Stone. It felt like a high pitched wail at first, then a steady melody. I started to write the notes down I could make out and it continued up and down the scale for several minutes before it abruptly stopped.
I gathered my notes and continued to monitor the frequencies. several hours later they had returned. The notes were exactly the same, including the duration of the signal.

Beginning with the first message from the Expanse, I recorded the second over it to verify I had heard the same signal twice, was it a coded message/ I wasn't sure at all. Codes are very tricky things, I checked several references for pure acoustical codes... And could find a few. It was a technique that was used by the Cardassians and the Romulans. I have run into a few signals like this before but couldn't nail it down as it wasn't used much at all and in it's experimental state.

I shall continue to listen in to se if it sends a different set of codes..


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