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A Pleasant Lunch

Posted on Thu Mar 19th, 2015 @ 12:46pm by Lieutenant JG Jane Porter & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg

859 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Trader Games
Location: Marine Conference Room


Most of the station was busy putting everything back to rights after the recent assault by the merchants. Fortunately, they found the arboretum of little value and so left it alone. But the Marines were on high alert until security could be improved, which meant Jane hadn't seen Wilhelm in days.

So, she packed a lunch and headed for his office.

When she arrived, she rang the door chime and waited.

A Marine Lieutenant came walking by and seen Jane waiting at the Colonel's door. Slightly mystified seeing a Science officer in Marine country he went up to her. "Miss if your looking for the Colonel he's in Conference Theater Three just over here, If you'll follow me." the LT said noticing a slightly annoyed look on Jane's face as she followed.

"Thank you," she said politely. She wanted to surprise Wilhelm in his office, not interrupt him at work, but there was nothing for it now, so she followed the Lieutenant.

Reaching a door the Lieutenant opened it as a "DISMISSED!" rang out inside. As Marines filed out the back Wilhelm, at the podium, seen Jane enter and some light returned to his eyes. Looking to the young Marine. "Thank you Lieutenant." Then looked at Jane, "Aren't you a sight for sore eyes." he said with a smile.

Jane paused for several moments to smile at Wilhelm before walking up to him. "I hear you haven't been taking care of yourself. I'm here to remedy that."

She glanced around to make sure the other Marines were gone before kissing him on the cheek. "I missed you."

"And I missed you." Wilhelm said "I could certainly use some care." he said leaning up against the small stage with a smile on his face. "How have you been dear? Looks like you brought some lunch."

"I'm much better now that the Greys are gone. Quite a kerfuffle they made of the station," she replied. "And yes, you definitely need some TLC. If you have the time, I do indeed have lunch. Is there somewhere a bit more private?" She looked around. "This is a bit large for just two people."

"That it is Jane." Wilhelm said making a small whistle and could almost here an echo. He motioned Jane towards a side door. Walking into a conference room, he pulled back a chair and motioned for Jane to sit. Taking a seat beside her, "There we are."

"Much better." She paused for a moment to simply enjoy the moment. She smiled again. "Much better."

The basket set in front of them, Jane began to unpack several sandwiches and containers of fruit. Then she brought out two bottles. "Help yourself," she invited.

Wilhelm grabbed a sandwich and took a couple bites. "So how are things going in the arboretum? Anything new? I seen a couple incoming freighters had horticulture items listed on inventory earmarked for here."

"There was a good deal of damage done to the plants during the Borg attack," she said, helping herself to a sandwich as well. "Most of the trees survived, but some of the plants need to be replaced. I took the opportunity to replace much of the top level. It will be something new for the people of Typhon and hopefully facilitate research as well." She looked up at him and smiled. "I'm turning it into a rain forest."

He smiled seeing how energized the idea made Jane. "That would really interesting. It'd be the only one of it's kind in this Sector that's for sure. Though Environmental Control just might have kittens at the thought of it." Wilhelm said with a wicked smile.

Jane laughed at the idea. "Just one more thing to add to the arboretum. Seriously, though, I've requested power generators so the arboretum will be self-sustaining. That will take the strain off the station and give me more flexibility."

Her smile softened as she appreciated Wilhelm's smile. "And you, my love? What are you working on?"

"Normal garrison duties for now." He said nonchalantly "We received 40 green horns fresh from Boot we have to get up to par. Plus more training, training and some logistics work. Those trader's tried cleaning out some of the Armories so we have to get them restocked."

"At least they were stopped before they got away with our weapons and supplies," she said. "And no one was seriously hurt."

"That is very true hun." Wilhelm said finishing a sandwich and looking towards the wall clock with a groan. "I have to get back to my duties." He said leaning over and kissing her. "I'll catch up with you when I get off shift. I believe I owe you a stroll around the Concourse."

Jane sighed. "I will let you go as long as you remember to come see me tonight. A stroll around the Concourse and then I'll show you what I'm doing in the arboretum," she promised. She watched him leave and then began to pack up the picnic, humming happily as she did so.


Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleburg
CO, 21st Marines
SB Typhon

Lieutenant Jane Porter
Botanist, keeper of the Arboretum


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