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The Kids Are Coming

Posted on Mon Nov 2nd, 2015 @ 9:55pm by James 'Jim' Wildstar [Ducati] & Dominque 'Dee' Wildstar [Ducati]

628 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Ghosts of Mirror's Past
Location: Transport Arriving


James Wildstar sat next to his sister and immediately had his right hand index finger simply touching his sister's upper arm. Dominique Wildstar was instantly angry and batted her brother's hand away. "Stop it!"

"Make me." Jim replied teasingly as he finger returned to the spot on Dee's upper arm.

Dee grabbed her brother's finger and squeezed. "Do it again and I will break it." She said with a glare directed at him.

Jim yelped in pain as he tried to extract his finger from her grip. He hoped his sister was bluffing but the glare was quite clear she'd follow through on that threat.

Though he was bored and so once Dee had let go he got to his feet before storming off.

He was glad to see she wasn't following, so he slowed down and looked around at the passengers. Jim wanted someone to talk or play games with, he stopped a Vulcan and held up his hand. It took a few moments and some grunts of frustration but he made his fingers form the Vulcan greeting.

Karil leaned down and raised his own hand in the ta'al. "Greetings," he murmured to the child.

"Hello, so what's your name sir?" Jim asked.

-- OOC: After this point the player was removed due to inactivity, had to NPC them to complete this post. --

"Karil," the man replied.

"What do you do?" Jim questioned.

"I am a Security consultant." Karil replied.

Jim smiled. "That sounds fun, well I better get back to my seat, hope we can be friends."

Karil nodded. "Of course young man, goodbye."

"Good bye," Jim ran off back to his seat as the announcement that the transport was soon dropping out of warp at Typhon.

Meanwhile Dee was now bored with her padd and annoyed with her brother for abandoning her, though she knew it wasn't on purpose. He often left situations that became confrontational and so to blow off excess energy.

She decided to do the same and got to her feet but walked in the other direction that she knew Jim went. Only a few chairs down did she encounter a Starfleet officer in blue. "Hello," she greeted and offered her hand with a big smile on her face.

Sophia looked up from her PADD and smiled. "Hello," she said shaking hands with the young girl. "A little lost?" She asked her politely.

Dee shook her head. "Nope, exploring. What do you do?" She asked with a smile, though she did check out the uniform a few times. She had seen her father's which was red but this one was blue, Dee wondered why.

Both she and her brother hadn't had much contact with their father so all of Starfleet was new to them, personally. The family has had some experience with the branch of the Government but not enough.

"I help people who are hurt." Sophia said with a very soft smile.

"A doctor!" Dee smiled and offered her hand again. "Thank you on behalf of everyone who has been saved by a doctor."

-- OOC: After this point the player was removed due to inactivity, had to NPC them to complete this post. --

"Thank you young lady, I appreciate it," Sophia replied with a smile.

Suddenly as the announcement that the transport was soon dropping out of warp at Typhon, Dee yelped. "I better get back to my seat, see you around the station."

"Yes you too." The Counselor replied as Dee returned the expression before giving her farewell and rushing back to her assigned seat.


Lieutenant Sophia Odegaard
Former Chief Counselor

Former Civilian

James 'Jim' Wildstar [Played by Ducati]
Buck Ducati's Son

Dominque 'Dee' Wildstar [Played by Ducati]
Buck Ducati's Daughter


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