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Anything Goes

Posted on Sat Oct 31st, 2015 @ 5:55am by Captain Landon Mabrade & Lieutenant Commander Carter Rotrov

1,107 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Ghosts of Mirror's Past


It had been nearly four years since Carter had sat outside this office, and at that time, it belonged to a volatile man who had a tendency to rule with an iron fist. Carter had been loyal to Hawkins. It was Hawkins who had given Carter his position as Chief Engineering Officer and Executive Officer of the Runnymede and that led to Carter's tenure at the Corps of Starfleet Engineers.

Had it not been for Hawkins' ummm... shall we say, "episode," that relieved him of his command, Carter might not have ever transferred to the Corps of Engineers and accordingly would have never met William. Now, reassigned, at least temporarily by the Corps of Engineers, Carter stood again aboard Typhon.

He looked at the yeoman hopefully and yet she simply passed him by.

"Lieutenant Commander Rotrov." A voice said from next to him. "I am sorry to keep you waiting, did my Yeoman take care of you while I kept you waiting?"

Carter looked up at the man. "Ummm, No Sir. No she didn't." He cleared his throat and extended his hand towards the Captain.

Mabrade gave the hand a few pumps to be proper and motioned for the Ready Room Door.

"I will requisition one with a better personality after the meeting, she should ta least finish her shift." He said so the yeoman cannot hear.

Chuckling a bit, the new CO having reminded him of Hawkins, Carter walked toward the Ready Room door. "Captain, all of my paperwork is in order. Well, almost all of it..."

"Have a seat Commander." Motioning to the seat across from him. "I have an excellent 13 year old Scotch..." The bottom drawer opened.

"I would kill for two fingers, Captain, but then my Risan heritage comes out and I start losing articles of clothing. Accordingly sir, just enough to get a good taste; if you don't mind." Carter cleared his throat and adjusted his uniform, smiling the entire time.

Mabrade took out the bottle from his drawer and the two glasses between them before putting just over a finger's worth in the two tumblers and slid one to Rotrov.

"I got this in Europe last trip to Earth." He nod. "To a good working relationship, welcome aboard Commander Rotrov." He held the glass for the toast.

Carter looked at the liquor in the glass, turned his attention to Mabrade, and broadened his grin. "To a good working relationship indeed." he replied as he raised his glass to participate in the toast.

With that the men downed the tumbler's contents

"And to that relationship, Captain, what are your expectations?" Carter noted the liquid continued to lightly warm his gut.

"I believe in professionals knowing their duty." Mabrade placed his glass to one side. "You do what you are supposed to and I can worry about other problems. I respect the rank you have and what it took for you to achieve it. The rest will come with time on teh more personal trust, I rely upon my Senior staff but the final word I reserve for me as Captain. You I hold accountable for the Engineering aspects of the station. Do your job as you have so far and we will get along." He smiled genuinely. "No one gets to Lieutenant Commander and chief without talent and knowledge; I am not an Engineer so I rely upon you to cover that."

Carter nodded in agreement. "A refreshing change in perspective around here." He thought of Captain Hawkins and how Hawkins had to be in control of EVERYTHING. "Thank you, Sir. You won't have to worry about me. I've uhh..."

For a moment, Carter lost his train of thought. He began to feel a little warm and noted a bit of sweat beading on his brow. "I've got Engineering under control."

"They you and I shall get along famously." Mabrade eased back in his chair a bit. "I have enough people and departments to look over and ships coming and going, not taking up brain space worrying about your department makes my life easier. Maintain that and you will find me very reasonable." He gave a genuine grin.

"Captain, I'm fully qualified to run any aspect of Engineering you see fit. If you wish to assign me to internal operations, I can do that. If you wish to assign me to external repair, I can do that. If you wish to assign me to starship development, then I can do that. My administrative background should prevent you from needing to um... Ummm..." Carter again lost his train of thought for a moment.

"Commander." Mabrade sat forward, interlocking his fingers in front of him. "You come highly recommended, and rules are not meant to be broken, but what shape you make of them without breaking I can look past so long as things work." He nod. "Otherwise I will come down there and..." He got an expression that was not jovial and could be menacing. "motivate yuo to do better." He sat back. "I have faith in your ability Commander, leave it at that."

Carter, for his part, was feeling a little sickly. He hadn't had any liquor in his system since... Well let's just say the last time involved too many awkward glances for weeks. "Understood." He parroted back, though at this juncture it was somewhat unclear as to what exactly he understood and what he didn't.

"Is there any questions you have for me?" Mabrade asked. "As long as we are getting to the foundation, is there anything you really want to ask but thought better of it?"

Eye's widening rapidly, Carter looked towards Mabrade. "Ummm..." There were a flurry of thoughts running through his mind, but each were coated, dripping with scotch. "I uhhhhh..." Carter closed his eyes for a moment in order to focus. "No. No thank you." The engineer finally managed to stammer out a response and one that would not get him put into the brig.

"Well then Commander." Mabrade gave a wry grin. "I believe our business here s done. I will make sure it is noted you have report properly and that the Chief of Engineering is filled." He rose to offer a hand. "Again, welcome to Typhon."

Carter nodded, stood, slightly stumbled, regained his composure, and took the CO's hand. "Thank you Sir."

"You are dismissed." Mabrade said casually. "I will see you on day shift tomorrow bright and early." He suggested.

Mabrade had a mental note NEVER to let a Risan near any of the good stuff in the future.


Captain Landon Mabrade
Commanding Officer

Lt. CMDR Carter Rotrov
Chief Engineer


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