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Shipnapped (part 2)

Posted on Tue Oct 11th, 2016 @ 11:49am by Captain Darius Cayne & Captain Landon Mabrade & Commander Billy Jo Rhodes
Edited on on Tue Oct 11th, 2016 @ 12:16pm

893 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Celebrate Culture



"They send a prototype to catch a prototype." Darius replied softly.


"Coincidence, Captain. I am sure." The first officer responded.

"I know. It's just an interesting thought." Darius added before clearing his throat a bit. "Ops. Open a channel to the Manager's shuttle."

The operations officer tapped on the console. "Opened, Sir."

"Shuttlecraft. This is the Arthurian. We are in pursuit of the stole vessel. Please lower your shields and prepare to be picked up. Your only other option is for us to disable your engines and leave you stranded here while we continue the chase. Please respond." Darius said firmly.

"Look, Arthurian, this is Billy Jo Rhodes of the Athena Shipyards. That's one of my babies and I'm going to make sure it gets caught. Now, with all due respect, you can let me keep chasing it until you catch it, or get out of my way."

"Miss Rhodes? I assure you. My ship is faster and stronger than yours. Now, we can either work together or this ship can overtake you, than overtake your baby." Darius replied calmly, but also firmly as he stood up and cleared his throat. "Now, Miss Rhodes. Should we do this without you I may be forced to open fire on that ship and destroy it. However, should you come on board we can both find a way to catch that ship and disarm it without destroying it. Now, you can either help or not. Either way, the only one is going to get out of the way is you. Decide and decide wisely. I won't give you a second chance."

"YOU are the one helping, Captain. You're helping me get my ship back, not the other way 'round," Billy Jo replied. "And it's Commander Rhodes ," she added more firmly. "Now, you catch up to me, and I'll see about docking in your shuttle bay. But if you fire, you'll have to go back to Earth to get anyone to fix that ship of yours."

"Then you can send the bill to Admiral Max Hunter." Darius replied as he walked back to his chair and sat down. "Helm. Increase speed. Overtake the shuttle." He said firmly as he leaned back in his chair. "Shuttlecraft. I hope you have your seat belt on. Arthurian Out." He said as he gestured to cut the channel. "Operations. Once we get passed the shuttle, get her in a tractor beam. We'll drag her behind us until she decides to play along." He paused for a moment before looking over to the executive officer. "What? She said I can't fire at her. She said nothing about tractor beams."

Billy Jo called him several names she was glad he couldn't hear. Admiral Max Hunter, huh? She knew Max Hunter. She probably knew him better than he knew her. She and Millie Draven, Admiral Burke's Aide-de-Camp, often ate lunch together. She'd seen Max Hunter on several occasions. If this young popinjay thought he could name drop with her, he had another think coming.

She found the ion trail of her runaway ship and pushed the engines to maximum. If she could just get close enough, she could log into the ship's systems and shut down the engines. That would be a sight for Captain "I give the orders around here" to show up and see her sitting on top of the ship like she'd roped it. "Computer, get me in range of that ship. Authorization Delta Dawn 12779."

"Authorization confirmed. At current speed, ship will be in range in two minutes."

"Make it one and a half," she ordered the computer as she pushed the engines for that extra 30 seconds.


Billy Jo had almost reached the Gohira. "Okay, Pirates, let's see what you do with this." She pulled up the code for the Gohira and prepared for remote access. "How much longer, Pink?" she asked the computer.

"In range in ten seconds, Sugar," the female voice replied.

"Good. Transmit as soon as we're in range." She moved to another console and opened her program to override the flight controls.

"Three, two, one. Activating override, Sugar," teh computer said in a quiet Southern drawl.

Billy Jo chuckled softly. "Thank you, Pink, you're an angel." She waited for a few seconds for the verride to take control of the ship, then she entered the shutdown command.

A moment later, all power on the Gohira shut off.

Billy Jo let out a loud, Southern whoop. "That was more fun than calf roping back home, Pink. Now, if you would be so kind, send a message to Captain Cayne. Let him know he can pick up the pirates now."

Then she sent one to Mabrade. "Pussycat to Captain Mabrade. The little lizard has lost his teeth."

The sound of weapons fire in the background.

"Billy Jo?" Mabrade asked aprehensively. "Is there a side of you that I should know about?" He asked.

"Sugar, a lady always has her secrets," Billy Jo replied, chuckling. "And so do I. Anyway, now that I know the Gohira isn't going anywhere, I'll let you and Captain Cayne bring her home -- in one piece, if you please. She's been through enough for one day."


Commander Billy Jo Rhodes
Director, Athena Shipyards

Captain Darius Cayne
Captain, USS Arthurian

Captain Landon Mabrade
Captain, Starbase Typhon


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