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The Quiet After The Storm

Posted on Tue Jan 3rd, 2017 @ 4:58pm by Lieutenant JG Jane Porter & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg

583 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Celebrate Culture
Location: Arboretum

In full equipment Wilhelm got off a lift and walked into the Arboretum and watched as two squads worth of his sappers spread out with military tricorders and other equipment up searching for anything unusual. Watching for a couple minutes more then with a satisfied nod he made his way to Jane's workroom keeping a wary eye on his HUD and its limited sensors. Reaching the the workroom he straightened his deep emerald beret flicked up his HUD monocle to its standby position and made sure everything on him was 'safed' also setting his sensors to audible warning. Hitting the chime he walked into the workroom, "Anyone home?" Wilhelm called out.

"Well, that depends on who you're looking for," came the cheerful response from Jane as she walked over to Wilhelm and kissed him on the cheek. She'd been keeping herself busy tending to some seedlings while she waited.

Wilhelm smiled and put his arm around Jane's waist as she stood beside him. "Just what I needed at the end of a rough day. Been keeping busy down here? Plenty of visitors I bet." he said.

"With the explosions on the promenade, we had quite a few detour here instead. Half the school children came in today, too. I think the teachers were trying to distract them from what was going on." She looked up at him with a raised eyebrow. "Is everything all right now? What happened? All we heard was that there was some sort of attack and the station went on lockdown."

"It was some sort of terrorist attack." Wilhelm said frowning. "For now everything is under control. Measures are being taken to keep it that way."

"I expect no less with you on duty," she replied, giving his arm a squeeze. She was proud of how careful Wilhelm was to make sure the personnel on Typhon were safe. "Are you done for the night, or do you have to go back on duty?" She hoped he could stay for a while. But if not, she would make the most of what time they did have.

"Barring something else, I go off shift in 15 minutes." Wilhelm said with a smile. "I think we could weasel supper in but all the businesses are closed until morning due to the emergency. So if you have any ideas?" Wilhelm's COMM beeped and with a sigh, "Excuse me a moment dear." Wilhelm said turning away, "Report." He said into the COMM. Facing away Wilhelm had a brief conversation and turned back.

"Well good news is the Arboretum has been cleared. Bad news is that there was another firefight, this time at one of the Trader's offices but its over now. Major Kaw said he can handle things for a couple hours at least."

Jane smiled. "Good. I have tea ready, along with a good supply of sandwiches in the cold room. I wanted to be prepared for whenever you got off duty. We could stay here for hours if we need to."

"Good, but hours might not be needed but could be comfy anyways." Wilhelm said glancing at Jane's inviting sofa.

Jane smiled and took his hand, leading him to the sofa and sat down, pulling him down beside her. "Well, I think I could come up with a few ways to keep you...occupied." She leaned forward and kissed him softly.

Smiling, "I think my schedule just cleared!" Wilhelm said.


Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
Marine CO

Lieutenant JG Jane Porter


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