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Covert Meetings (part 1)

Posted on Sat Jul 27th, 2019 @ 8:43pm by Morticia & Drake

1,053 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Pirating Typhon resources
Location: A bar on a planet


Morticia sat at a table in the corner of the dimly-lit room, nursing a drink. It was the third bar she'd been to, each one as nondescript as the other, each as unsanitary.

She didn't have the stomach for these places anymore, but they did remind her of how far she'd come over the past twenty years.

This time, however, she was to meet a pirate who might know of the group around Typhon.

The door to the bar swung open as a various shifty characters stormed in, each wearing an emblem on their shoulder. They began to shuffle people around, moving everyone out the door, attacking those who put up a fight, until finally the only people left was the staff and Morticia.

Each pirate stood in a particular spot, weapon in hand, as if creating a safe zone until finally a man entered slowly. His heavy foot steps hit the ground per step as well as a certain fragrance that was quite pleasant to smell. He had long hair and a long beard and a variety of emblems from various groups that he kept as trophies on his coat which rested over his shoulders. His long scimitar rested at his hip as well as a klingon disruptor tucked into his belt.

"Morticia... Darling." The man said in a deep and pleasant sounding voice before approaching the table. "Always a pleasure to receive your transmission."

Morticia stood. "You look well." She thought chasing everyone else out was a bit of an overreaction, but he always did have a flair for the flamboyant.

"Only in appearance." He replied as he took her hand and gently kissed it before sitting down. "Have you eaten? What's your poison tonight?"

"I was waiting for you," she said. "Besides, this is not a place where one should put down their guard."

He nodded in agreement before replying. "Unless you make sure you're the only ones in the room." He smiled before leaning back in his chair. "Mister Gibbs!" He soon shouted.

A Ferengi ran over toward them, slightly slouching, before stopping. He nodded his head to Morticia before looking to the man and replying. "Yes, Captain."

"Grab us something to drink. Top shelf if you please." He looked over to Morticia and asked. "Wine?"

Morticia smiled. "You remembered." Her smile turned to Gibbs. "White, if you have it."

"I would never forget." He smiled in return before looking back to Gibbs. "And do something about the ambiance, Mister Gibbs."

"Yes, Captain." Gibbs replied before nodding to him and then to towards Mortica before turning to the others. "You heard Captain Kilgore, Boys!" He shouted before running off towards the bar.

Immediately, two of the pirates walked off. One retrieved a table cloth from a nearby table and a candle while the other walked over to the panel by the kitchen. The pirate with the candle and cloth cleared the table they sat at of anything useless before putting down the cloth and candle. As he lit the candle the other tapped at the console, dimming the lights, before the two walked back to their place.

Gibbs returned with a tray and stopped by the table again. He placed the bottle of white wine and blood wyne down, as well as two glasses, before walking away.

Kilgore took the white wine and uncorked it before pour a small bit into the glass in front of Mortica. He waited for her to taste it to see if it was to her liking.

"Mm. Your taste has always been excellent," she said after taking a sip. "Business still good?" It had been nearly a decade since she'd run into Kilgore. He looked just the same.

"Business is challenging." Kilgore replied as he poured more wine into her glass. "Good thing for me... I enjoy a challenge." He said before placing the bottle down. "And yours?." Kilgore said as he grabbed his bottle of blood wyne and popped the cork. He sniffed the wine cork before pouring it into his glass. Normally he walk just drink it straight from the bottle, but he wanted to be more refined since he had company.

"Slow but good. I'm...diversifying. It keeps me out of trouble," she said. She took a sip of wine and set her glass down. "Slowing down has been good for my health." It was true enough. She enjoyed being in one place. While she loved the Hawthorne, she no longer thrived on making the ship her home.

"We could always use you on my ship." Kilgore replied softly before taking a drink. As he placed the glass down he added a bit of a smile. "Which I keep offering and you keep rejecting, but it always stands. All your cares would be attended to and your health would never be an issue."

Except from him. Morticia knew his reputation for having a quick temper was well-deserved. Few people survived long in his employ. From what she'd heard, even his First Officer had run afoul of his legendary ire. Rumor had it she defied him and was killed for it. "Thanks, but no thanks. I like my current employ."

Kilgore looked at her firmly, his gaze seemed to pierce her, as if he was angry. However, he soon smiled and raised his glass before replying. "No harm done. The offer will still remain should you ever need it." He took another drink from his glass.

Her mental shields were strong and always in place. She met his gaze steadily. When he spoke she raised her glass of wine to him. "The offer is still appreciated. But today, I have a different sort of business to discuss with you."

"Not yet." Kilgore smiled as he raised a hand. "Hungry?"

She raised an eyebrow. "Depends on what you have to offer."

"Whatever your heart desires." Kilgore replied. "My men will see to it the kitchen makes it to perfection."

"Hmm..." She took another sip while she considered her options. "Coq au Vin, salad and french-cut green beans. I'll let you choose the dessert."

"Mister Gibbs?" Kilgore replied softly, his gaze still on Morticia.

"Aye, Captain. I'll see to it." Gibbs began to walk away.

"Forgetting something?"

(To be continued...)

Independent Contractor

Captain, USS Blackheart



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Comments (1)

By Lieutenant Sonia Kapoor on Wed Nov 6th, 2019 @ 6:12am

What interesting characters! You managed to hook my attention from the start!