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Do They Give Lollipops Still? Part 2

Posted on Sun Dec 1st, 2019 @ 1:14am by Captain Landon Mabrade & Lieutenant Sonia Kapoor
Edited on on Sun Dec 1st, 2019 @ 9:42am

1,234 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Pirating Typhon resources
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Current, Mid-Afternoon

Previously, in the Main Sickbay ...

"It's too soon to predict," the doctor answered. "We can do many miracles, and we'll hope we can do enough. At this point, I would say she has a chance. It's possible we will have to remove one bone and insert a replica, but that shouldn't cause any further problems. We can print an exact duplicate, even down to her DNA. So ... we'll see what the future holds."

And now, the rest of the story.


Turning to the young man in the next bed, Dr. Kapoor introduced the captain. "Captain, this is Crewman Randy Nelson. Crewman, I think you might recognize the captain. Randy is in pretty good shape, thanks to the sergeant. Her wounds were received when she threw herself across him. His are not exactly superficial, but I think another week will see him ready for at least light duty in the shuttlebay. He's a mechanic, Sir, and to hear him tell it, the best one in Starfleet." Sonia winked at the young man, who blushed.

"Aw, now don't be puttin' words in my mouth, Ma'am," Randy said sheepishly. "Specially not in front of the captain of the entire base! I'm just a good mechanic, Sir, and I'll be happy to be back on the line as soon as I can."

"If you're half as good as you say, I might use you about the repair sections. We get a lot of ships needing work, and they get a bonus from happy captains I am told." Mabrade grinned, "Unofficially, of course. I do not ask so...." He shrugged, "But a good mechanic is always able to find a place around here."

"I'll hold you to it, Sir. I surely will," Randy smiled and relaxed back into his pillow, but looked at the doctor. "She going to make it, Ma'am? I don't want to lose her."

"She's holding her own, Crewman, and for now, that's good enough. Ask me again in two days," Sonia said. She smiled at him before moving on.

"Now, crossing over to the other side, Captain, we have mostly better news than the first two. Mostly." She halted next to another female patient, this one Bajoran. "Hello, again, Petty Officer James.

"Captain, may I present Polly James, Petty Officer Second Class. She was working in the torpedo bay, loading the torpedo tube, when enemy fire penetrated weakened shields in that area. Fortunately, the shields didn't give way entirely, and she suffered sub-dermal burns only on her right hand and arm. Those will take about three weeks to heal, supplemented with dermal regeneration."

Sonia looked at the medical notes, and made an approving sound. "I see you're tolerating the regeneration time well, Polly."

"Yes, Doctor. The first hour isn't so bad, but the deeper it goes, the more it hurts. Oh, I know, it isn't going very deep." She waved her hand in the air. "Maybe the pain is all in my head."

Kapoor made a note on the log. "I've ordered an analgesic for you about half an hour before tomorrow's treatment. You let me know if it helps. Has a prylar been by to visit you yet?"

Surprised, the petty officer said, "Yes, Ma'am, this morning." Glancing at the captain, she added, "The doctor takes care of more than our bodies."

"The mark of a great doctor is one who treats the full person," Mabrade complemented. "You just get healed, and when the good doctor releases you, I will help you find a place to your liking." He grinned, "I do have a little pull, since I have the recommissioned Keplar-A as a garrison ship. I can place people as they are available, if you like?"

"There you go, Miss Polly," Sonia smiled at her. "Things are already looking up."

The woman laughed, "I'd like that very much, Sir."

Sonia and the captain moved down the aisle to the side of another biobed. "It's a sad thing, Captain, but this petty officer is malingering, I fear," she teased the young man.

"No such of a thing, doctor. I've been trying to talk my way out of here for hours, and ya know it. How much longer will I be stuck here?" the freckle-faced redhead asked in an aggrieved tone.

Kapoor looked at the notes and then said, "Hold out your left arm." When he did so, she took it and gently turned it back and forth, examining the mostly healed abrasions. "I'd say right about now, Mr. Tilly. Say hello to Captain Mabrade first, why don't you? Captain, this is Michael Tilly, quite a fortunate young man. He received abrasions and contusions in the battle, but nothing serious, not even a concussion. He has the luck of the Irish, I believe he said."

"That's right. Mah grannie swore it was true, and I believe her." He looked at the captain soberly. "Especially after so many others didn't fare as well, sir. It's pleased I am to meet ya."

"Good to meet you," Mabrade offered the human handshake tradition. "If the Doctor lets you out, I wonder if you want to stay with the crew you left; there will be a Keplar A commissioned and under the Command of your Captain Culver?" he explained. "Maybe two weeks 'til she comes out of the Dock yards."

"Yes, Sir! That man pulled us out of a tight spot. Sure there were losses an' injuries, but we could've all been dead or slaves by now. I'll be proud to serve under him again!" Tilly exclaimed.

Dr. Kapoor looked at the captain. "Sir, I'd say rest in quarters today, and I expect he can go back to light duties for a day or two before full duty."

Looking back to her patient, she said, "A final check up in three days, Mr. Tilly, and then you should be back on normal duty. Go ahead and get dressed. Then see the appointment nurse on your way out."

"Yes, Ma'am," he responded with enthusiasm. At the moment, he had no quarters to rest in, but he was sure there were tdy* billets available.

"I am sure Culver will like having you back," Mabrade said with a grin. "Just don't get hurt before you report!" he warned as the man was leaving. "You do good work Doctor."

"Thank you, Captain. Sometimes it's easier than others. So, you've had a look around, and now you know what these few are facing in the near future. Is there anything else I can show you in Sickbay?" Sonia asked as she finished the notes for Tilly and signed him as released.

"No, Doctor." Mabrade gave her a smile. "I am quite impressed. If you ever need me to visit the patients for assurances just call me." He nodded. "I will start sending my Yeoman Lurch by periodically to check on your request, and he can always find me." He offered a hand. "It was both enlightening and a pleasure to meet you, Doc."

The doctor took his hand and gave a firm handshake. "Likewise, Captain. I look forward to taking you up on your offer when there's a case that could benefit from your encouragement or simply extra attention. You are welcome to drop in to check up on us any time."

*tdy = temporary duty


Captain Landon Mabrade
Commanding Officer
Star Base Typhon

Dr. Sonia Kapoor.
Chief Medical Officer


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