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Do They Give Lollipops Still? Part 1

Posted on Sun Dec 1st, 2019 @ 1:07am by Lieutenant Sonia Kapoor & Captain Landon Mabrade

1,213 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Pirating Typhon resources
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Current, Mid-Afternoon


Captain Mabrade tended to meet new officers more quickly, but with the Culver incident and escalating pirate activity, he had been kind of busy.

No excuses as he walked down to the Sickbay and through the doors. He could have sent Lurch; and he would later to check supplies and and any command grade requests, but for now he wanted that Personal salutation.

"Doctor Kapoor," Mabrade greeted as he saw her and approached. "I do apologize for my not meeting you sooner, I would give the excuse of work taking my time, but I will say I did not practice good time management." He gave a slight bow. "I am Captain Landon Mabrade, at your service."

"Hello, Captain. It's nice to meet you. To be honest, things have been so busy since I arrived on base, I haven't had time to notice who hasn't come in. You have some very accident prone people here, not to mention injuries due to other incidents. I was about to do rounds. Would you care to join me?" the doctor asked.

"I would be honored." Mabrade offered her to lead."Ladies always first," he said . "We do have an active crew, they work hard and apparently they play hard," he commented as they started to walk.

Dr. Kapoor smiled, interested to note the captain was a man of understatement. "I think it might do some good to those who were injured recently to see the base's commander. There are several who were part of the crew which tangled with pirates - Captain Culver's crew? He's been in several times to check on them. I seem to have missed the name of the ship in all the medical care required."

"I had not gotten the numbers from the battle," Mabrade commented as he look around. "Been so caught up in my crew, I neglected to fully realize they had been transferred here so quickly," Mabrade commented. "Seems I have been in my tower too long; I will make up for it, I assure you."

Sonia shrugged. "It isn't as if you can be everywhere at once. That's why you have department heads, isn't it?" she smiled. "Well, let's see who is still here this afternoon. I think quite a few less serious injuries left us today with instructions for light duty or sleeping at home for a few days. I know better than to expect most of them to follow directions, though."

They walked into the back of Sickbay where long term patients - anyone who couldn't be healed in a day - were housed. Sonia stopped and looked down the aisle of beds. "You know, a lot of people have the mistaken idea that doctors can wave our magic wands and heal everything instantly. It isn't the case. I can heal a tear on the skin, but I can't heal the damage underneath. I can remove bruises and abrasions, but I can't make a broken bone disappear in the same time. Nor can I heal an organ injury. It has to heal from the inside out, and it takes time."

"This is part of the crew Culver requested for his new command," Mabrade informed. "I wish doctors could heal that fast; then I could promise Culver his crew back, but realistically how many of these injured will be able to sail on the new ship in two weeks?" He had an idea of the answer but did not like what he thought it might be.

"Let's visit them and see what you think," Dr. Kapoor said. As they walked toward the first bed, she added, "This is Ensign DeBran. He was in the main engineering section, Deck 7, during the battle. When a laser weapon breached one of the blast doors, he was burned over about 20% of his body, left side. We've healed the skin, for the most part, but left two places for under area burning to weep as it heals. We're speeding up his healing as much as possible with nanites, but I don't think he'll be ready for duty for at least three weeks to a month."

They reached the bed and Sonia ran a scan on the left side of the man's face and down his arm and side above the waist.

"How'm I doin', Dr. Kapoor?" DeBran asked.

"Better than expected, Ensign. Any pain leaking through?"

"No, Ma'am. I feel like I could go right back to work, until I look at my side. Sorta makes my stomach roil, if you know what I mean," he answered.

Mabrade has been in combat; swords, guns , phasers or any number of weapons do the same effect to the body, for those who are considered lucky to have survived. That's not always the case with some injuries, past any hope of Medical science, but then the ones who can be healed with time are indeed the lucky bunch.

"You will be there soon enough, Ensign DeBran." Mabrade took care to use the person's name, to show respect for what they had done. "Soon as the Doctor here says you are ready, I will get you back to work." He nodded. "You might want to enjoy the vacation, some people around here say I am a slave driver."

"Don't make me laugh, Sir," DeBran smiled. "That's gonna hurt."

Dr. Kapoor patted the ensign's hand, and said, "Your main job is healing, right now. Get busy on it."

The doctor moved on to the next bed with the captain. She stood at the head, reading the notes in the medical log kept there by everyone who dealt with each patient. "This is Sergeant Kelly. She suffered massive internal injuries. The EMH kept her alive in the minimal medical facility on Deck 8. He put her in the isolation bed and in stasis. I was quite surprised, but apparently he has some experience with combat, formerly being a Fleet Marine EMH.

"I think we're going to save her," Sonia said pensively. "At least she's stable for now, and I've induced a coma - not something we're called on to do often these days. It allows the body to devote all its energy to healing. Once she's further along, we'll take care of more of the abrasions and burns on the outside."

Mabrade look at the woman; in her mid twenties to have achieved her rank, and she was battling for her life while Mabrade stood aside helpless to do anything but send hopes to the heavens she would pull through.

"So young, not even thirty, just beginning her life and to have this happen," he commented. "If she pulls through what kind of permanent damage is she looking at; or should I ask, will she be able to remain in Starfleet."

"It's too soon to predict," the doctor answered. "We can do many miracles, and we'll hope we can do enough. At this point, I would say she has a chance. It's possible we will have to remove one bone and insert a replica, but that shouldn't cause any further problems. We can print an exact duplicate, even down to her DNA. So ... we'll see what the future holds."

To Be Continued ...


Captain Landon Mabrade
Commanding Officer
Star Base Typhon

Dr. Sonia Kapoor.
Chief Medical Officer


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