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Getting thing going.

Posted on Mon Jan 2nd, 2023 @ 5:19am by Captain Landon Mabrade

442 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Pirating Typhon resources
Location: Mabrade Ready Room on Control Deck
Timeline: Day three P.A. (Post Attack)



"This is the third day after the Pirate attack upon Typhon, while I had noted an increase of Pirate activity, the escalation of Pirate attacks on shipping was a well planned rouse to get attention away the Ship Yards. We are fortunate that sip Yard damage is minimal, though having the Admiral in the area at this time did not boost my confidence in my ability to command. I envisioned myself a Siege Tactics Specialist, now if I am to remain in command will be putting those skills to use."

Mabrade paused a couple of seconds during which he had to route some of the supply orders on his computer around as the original cargo delivery Bays were repurposed to accommodate the supplied needed for the repair of the Main doors.

"The station was hit hard; using a merchant ship as the weapon and detonating it neaqr the Main Bay Doors was a strategic win for the Pirates. The damage could have been worst; it is due to the thick plating in the event of combat the dors are only in need of patching. The damage to the track that allow the doors to move is another story. Warped and peppered tracking units, even te smallest obstruction can and does effect the operation. Clearing the debris and smoothing the tracks is the high priority assignment right now. "

The drink of Coffee gave him those seconds to plan his thoughts.

"The attempt to steal the latest Prototype vessel; the smoke screen of attack on Typhon should have made for an easy get away were it not for the quick thinking of the Ship Yards Commanding Officer; who chased the vessel down, utilize special codes she installs as a second layer of control. Most hijackers will change the access and Prefix Codes and call it good. Very ingenuities thinking on Commander Rhodes part. The man in charge of the attempt had a relationship with My Chief of Security; Intel is delving into that and the security breech that allowed our Security Codes used to aid the attack. Lurch is rather down-trodden in how this is affecting Aria, they are close working relationship and she is one of the few people that Lurch's usually stoic expression is affected. "

Tapping some commands he paused the recording for a moment.

"I will need to reevaluate our defenses, assign randomly changing Patrol patterns for the Garrison Saber Ships and really delve into utilizing the Fighters as scouts and deeper probe craft to give a more effective Early Warning System. That should be the best initial operations change. We can adapt as the need arises."

End recording.


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