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Under Siege

Posted on Mon Jan 2nd, 2023 @ 4:34am by Captain Landon Mabrade & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Commander Ashe Rii'Na MD & Commander Raven Adams & Lieutenant Aria Kanzaki & Khiy Tal'ehrihn & Commander Billy Jo Rhodes

2,489 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: Pirating Typhon resources

It was a rather quiet night shift in Main Operations. The large room was lightly manned as it was just after three in the morning station time. Many of the stations senior officers were fast asleep, however one of them wasn't.

Aria, the stations chief of security sat with her feet up on the main security console as she watched over the operations center, a double sweet with extra cream coffee in her one hand, a PADD with security reports in the other. It was her turn to take the night shift. If anything Aria didn't mind the occassional quiet and easy shift, it gave her a chance to catch up on her paperwork; the only part of the job she didn't like.

"Lieutenant. We've got an Andorian Freighter requesting permission to dock" Ensign Hanley reported from the console which controlled flight operations around the base.

Aria looked up from her PADD. "Thats strange. Weren't they meant to be here tomorrow?" she asked.

"They're reporting they had to take a different course due to an ion storm" Hanley replied. "Apparently they have some damage to their engines due to attempting to outrun it"

"Very well. Let them dock. Have an engineering team standing by" Aria told him. The Ensign nodded as he relayed the orders to the freighter. Air went back to her PADD, she would deal with the freighters captain tomorrow. Right now she wanted to get her reports finished before the alpha shift came on duty at 07:00.

[Docking Bay]

The freighter slowly approached the large internal docking bay of Starbase Typhon. Its engines slowed as it started to cross the entrance to the doors. Then without warning its thrusters fired as it came to a dead stop in the spacedock doorway.

[Main Operations]

"The Freighter has stopped Lieutenant... in the spacedock doors" Hanley reported. "I'm reading something, but I can't identify what's going on" a few seconds later he turned around quickly. "Lieutenant, they're engines are overheating!"

The Freighter exploded inside the docking Bay doors; the carefully placed 'Fuel Cells' packed in key places near the engines so to conceal them as back-up fuel. This set off the cargo bays filled with a type of Andorian ale literally filling the bays.

"What the..." she threw the PADD to one side as she reached for the security console. "Raise shields!" she ordered. But it was too late, the freighter exploded in a blaze of fire shaking the base. Debris from the vessel erupted in various directions, striking various parts of the starbase's hull.

Consoles in operations sparked and several of them exploded, showering the night crew in hot shrapnel. Aria had been thrown to the floor by the explosion. Starbase Typhon immediately jumped to red alert, the klaxons sounding loudly.

"Report!" she asked.

"Spacedoors are jammed. We've got hull breaches in several sections on the interior of the docking bay and exterior. Forcefields are holding" Hanley replied. "Wait..."

"What is it Ensign?!" Aria said as she picked herself up off the floor.

"I've got several vessels heading towards us. Many of them just dropping out of warp. Lieutenant, their weapons are armed. They're targeting the station" Hanley reported.

Aria opened a channel to put her station wide. "Attention all crew. We are under attack. All hands to battlestations!" she announced. "This is not a drill. All hands to battlestations, we are under attack"

Hanley turned back to Aria. "Exterior shields are down. Weapons are also offline" he reported as he moved to one of the engineering consoles. "Lieutenant, we're defenseless against them"

Mabrade came onto the Control deck in his Uniform pants and tunic with the luck of having boots on his feet, tugging on the jacket.

"Damage report all decks." He barked the orders in a gruff but calm tone. "Where are the CAP fighters and get the squadrons scrambled. "Also get the Marines out of their bunks."

"We've got damage teams reporting in" Aria replied. "Spacedock doors are jammed open, minor hull breaches in the area. Forcefields are holding, there doesn't seem to be any major structural damage at this time." she reported. "So far no casualties, however medical teams are in route"

"Make sure Security is with the Medical teams clearing the way." Mabrade ordered. "Keep the casualties protected."

[XO Quarters]

Ashe had been fast asleep before her shift when all of the klaxons started going off. She was awake like a shot and practically fell out of bed.

"That is most definitely not my alarm going off." She said with a grimace. She was up and ready in a flash and with her hair in a plait she dashed off through the corridors, over the fastest route on the promenade and straight up to Ops.


She came flying down the stairs and took a moment to take in the situation. She came up alongside Mabrade. "Where do you need me, Mabrade?" She said. "This all seems like a right mess."

"Nice to have you with us Rii'Na." You can help handle the damage control, a ship destroyed our outer doors, pirates are attacking and some creative hacker has a wrench in our system." He glanced her way. "Feel free to jump in anywhere as this is a siege situation."

"There are some reports from the promenade and cargo bay sections. I'll see what I can work from there." and in a flash Rii'Na was off.

=^= This is Diva.=^= The voice of the Commander Air Group came across the line. =^= All squadrons are being scrambled, CAP is fifteen seconds in intercept. =^=

"This is Mabrade speaking. Weapons and shields down, this is your specialty Diva." Mabrade said into the channel. "I have defense fields only, you are between us and their attack. "

=^=Roger that Typhon, I have 12 birds at the ready for intercept. =^= Diva replied.

Mabrade liked having fighters and a continuous Air Patrol of his station.

Wilhelm awoke suddenly in his quarters hearing the call to battle stations and hit a nearby COMM panel =^= 21st to arms! Prepare to repel boarders. Razors scramble immediately and link up with CAG.=^= he said into the panel as he put on a combat uniform and quickly kitted up. Finishing quickly he put his hand on the wall and his personal armory cabinet opened up. Grabbing what he needed he closed it and headed out the door.

Arriving in the Marine command center Wilhelm absorbed the reports from the Regiment and the contacted the Captain.

=^= Hackleberg to Mabrade. 21st Marines is online and dispersing to defensive positions. Razors are in the air.=^=

"Well done colonel." Mabrade complemented. "I have 12 of the Valkyres in the air and the rest are scrambling as well. "The boarders are going to be yours to repel."

=^= We'll give them a warm reception sir. =^= Hackleburg responded while looking at a floating hologram of the station. The blown open space door really worried him. Getting an idea to help defend the vulnerable Inner Docks, Wilhelm issued orders to his Third Battalion to have a company split up and assemble in two different cargo bays with space doors to the Inner Docks and a view of the destroyed, large space doors. He also ordered them to break out their anti air weapons and train them at the blasted open doors. "It's not much but it'll have to do." He mumbled before going back to directing the rest of the Regiment to the most likely breach areas.

Raven ran to her office and activated the station's emergency protocols. She could do nothing about the ships coming in, but she had faith in the Marines and the fighters to take care of them. What she could do was lock down the station so that they wouldn't be able to board anywhere but the damaged bay. They might try to enter at other key points, but they would find the force fields strong enough to prevent another explosion, or a boarding party.

She messaged the captain to let him know she'd activated the old Borg protective measures. She also sent a message to Max Hunter to let him know of the attack, and her recent findings about a mole on the station. She had yet to inform the captain of this as she had an appointment later that day to do so.

The message from the Intel jarred


The klaxons sounded as Star Base Typhon was under Red Alert attack.

The docking clamps and umbilical's for the new Class Of Marine Support Ship was taking to space under her own power with half the Marine Drop ship Production in the Bays.

The security protocols were giving a default alarm as being down. The Newest designed moved out of her birth with a Tapeworm giving clearances for the vessel to depart on her maiden Shake-Down according to the System.

[TGT Offices]

Khiy sat in his office with a sour expression on his face. He didn't know what was going on, but he did know it wasn't good. He felt the station shudder under his feet a few moments before and nearly lost his footing. He imagined the source of the explosion must have been close. He hoped it wasn't near the bay his B'rel was being repaired in. With all of his combat ships out on escorts this was his only ship in the region.

Frustrated, he repeatedly tapped the refresh on his comms PADD. Hopefully one of his technicians would get a message to him shortly about the fate of his ship, or at least some information on what was going on. Not being a Starfleet member meant information was slow to trickle down to him.

[Athena Shipyards]

Billy Jo got an alert when the freighter exploded in the Typhon bay, but she was immediately distracted by an alert that one of her ships was leaving. No ships were scheduled to depart this week, let alone at three in the morning. "Computer, close the bay doors. Authorization petticoat 2232 niner alpha."

"Authorization denied."

"Like heck it is. Who in the name of Sam Hill overrode my authorization?"

"The order came from Typhon security. Emergency authorization," the computer intoned.

"Well, override the override."

"Unable to comply," the computer replied.

"Then prepare the Pussycat for departure."

"Pussycat is ready."

She was dressed in a bright pink jumpsuit and deck shoes in a moment. She pulled her hair into a ponytail and ran out the door. "Rhodes to Mabrade. Someone's stealin' one o' my birds. I'm going after the varmint and tan his hide."

[Command Section]

Mabrade could not sit while his station is under any danger.

"Exterior View, beyond door." He ordered as he took in the screen.

Changing to the requested angle and outside the medium range sensors the magnification allowed aa view of smaller corvette style craft; no more than a dozen crew he guessed, small and agile type vessels that were with weapon pods at the end of wingtips. Not all that different than the weapons at the end of Klingon small ships.

The screen filled with the fighters scrambling out and streaking towards the attacking force

"Recall the Sabers if you can." Mabrade was weighing his options. "If the Vahallia is still moored scramble her as well. a Nova versus Muraders is a closer support in a fight for the fighters.

"The Vahalla has Marines coming aboard and is readying to depart, Captain Culver seems determined to get the ship out." The Flight OPS Officer reported. He was on short list for departure."

"Give him clearance." Mabrade ordered. "Send a Warning for inbound ship to abort."

[Space near station]

The Loki altered course when the advancing force came onto sensors. On the way out for a patrol the Saber Class Garrison Vessel made quick work to bring her weapons on line and make he sprint for Typhon.

"Recall signal from Typhon." The OPS offier reported.

"Bueno... Bueno..." Don Diego agreed with a smile. "Something to liven the day... No?" He said . 'How many Sheeps are in the field?"

"Shep?" The Tactical Officer queston.

"You know the little Sheps... the Bang bang bang things heading for Ty-phon.

"Oh, you mean ships?" The Tactical Officer realized.

"That is what I said, the Translator much have a bad accent today..."

It was well known that the Translator was not the problem so much as the Spaniard's own accent.

The Loki made her best speed to intercept.


Raven sent a message to the Arthurian, letting Darius know about the attack and what was going on.

[Fighter hangars]

The explosive bolts blew the Hangar hates out of the Way in 'Fighter Town' clearing the way for a launching of the Fighter Wing

"They can fix them later." Diva remarked as she hit the throttles.

Diva was the first bird out of 'Town' as she had the full throttle for exiting. The smaller ships that were obviously Pirates would not be expecting her and the Squadron to be able to get clear of Typhon and into the fray.

Following close on her vapor trail her Wingman 'Frost' had his Commander's Six covered. The other hangar would spew the six Ready fighters within also.

"All Birds to Delta formation until break for Individual attack patterns." Diva told as the fighters arced to form up on her lead.


Aria's hands ran over the security console. "I have partial station weapons back online. Fighters deployed and ships en route" she reported looking back at Mabrade. "I can't get the shields back online fully with all the damage to the space doors though sir"

"Put up the Emergency Fields; any protection is better than none." Mabrade ordered. "That should be enough to keep them out from all but a direct attack."

Aria nodded as she carried out her orders.


Billy Jo wasn't gaining on the pirated ship, but she wasn't losing ground, either. It wasn't good enough. Nobody was going to steal one of her babies and get away with it. "Computer, access the computer of that runaway ship. Authorization Delta Dawn 12559 Yankee."

"Authorization accepted."

"Shut down all engines and shields. Activate distress signal and locator beacon. What ship is closest?'

"USS Arthurian and USS Shakespeare."

"What's the Shakespeare doing out there?" Billy Jo paused. "Nevermind. Tell them both to stop that ship."


"This is the Shakespeare. We're altering course to intercept."

"Good. I've shut down their engines, but I don't think they'll want to surrender," Billy Jo said. Maybe with the two of them, they could at least get the ship back in one piece.


The Promenade was chaos, stalls destroyed and small spot fires. Ashe grabbed a small portable fire supressor and started tending to small fires as well as directing Ops officers as best as possible. She moved along towards the cargo areas, looking to see what could have been damaged or if any seals had been tampered with.

[Time to open the stages for the next act.]


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