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The security bridge.

Posted on Sat Jul 29th, 2023 @ 11:56am by Commander Raven Adams & Captain Landon Mabrade

1,027 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Pirating Typhon resources
Location: Intel Offices


Mabrade was making the rounds; he had a station to protect and it felt like a long haul, he needed to get the process started with these extreme measures after audacity of the attack.

He stopped at the door and rang the chime; he did not want to see if he had access; no sense pushing the realm of their good working relationship by testing the Intel lock of their doors. It is best to be polite and a good guest.

Raven was aware of Mabrade’s approach. The door opened as he pushed the chime. "Come in," she called. She was sitting at a desk in the front office, going through a PADD. When she saw him, she set it face down.

Mabrade entered and waited until the doors closed behind him.

"Hello Ms. Adams, I was in the area and thought I might stop by and get an appraisal of both the damage to our Security Network and if you could get us back under protection again?"

"Well..." Raven looked at him for a moment. 'There are two security networks. The official one is undergoing repairs. The intel one is still intact and working as designed. Fortunately, the secondary system has not been discovered by the pirates." Nor would it, if she had anything to say on the matter.

"I have the utmost confidence in your abilities, can you help with the upgraded security protocols in the damaged systems?" He asked. "I have the feeling this is not the last we have heard from those that broke in. Best to side on caution and beef things up."

"Of course. I'm already running an internal scan to see if I can learn more. It was too easy and it shouldn't have happened the way it did." That was what puzzled Raven the most. With her systems intact, it should not have been so easy to bypass, but it did. "I'll be happy to see what I can do to keep the security system from being breached again."

"You know they used the Security Chief's Codes, so backtrack from there maybe, just please get them out of my station Database and secure us from any further problems. Presume they got all her files copied and let me know some places to change procedures to get us back into operating order please?" Mabrade sighed. "This was a messy business and being caught flat footed puts me in a mood, sorry."

She wasn't happy about it, either. The only way her backup system could fail is if an authorized person opened the back door. "I'm working on it. I want to be sure it wasn't the security chief herself first," Raven said. "And I don't want to alert anyone that we suspect an internal source before we can verify it." But once she had that verification, she would make sure the breach didn't happen again.

"I have all confidence in you." Mabrade added honestly. "Do you have any connections that might help us get some kind of a read on these attacks?" He asked. "Attacking a station is not normal Pirate style?"

She had contacts, yes. Not all were in Starfleet, either. "I've checked. So far, all I've learned is that this is a fairly new group, and little is known about them. I believe that if we can get evidence on who is doing this, we might be able to get something concrete enough to find where they're headquartered."

I am putting Captain Culver and his Nova class into the search as well as our Garrison Saber class vessels." Mabrade informed her. "Also, our fighters will be going out in diamond formations; four fighters in a patrol with orders to report but not engage unless attacked. The key is to locate and bring down sufficient force at that time."

Raven watched him for a moment, one eyebrow raised. That was not what she would have done, but then, her job was to think outside the box. "You do know that information on patrols is going out from this station? The pirates know everything you're doing and work around it." She paused. "Although you could make that work in your favor. Send out the fighters and the sabers. Don't make anything official with Darius. Or do, but nothing regarding the pirates. Send him on some trip to pick up supplies. Officially. He can use that to mask his unofficial duties. That might keep the pirates off-guard. Also, I have an infiltration specialist who hates that I don't have any work for her to do. The problem is, I don't. Intel has been pretty quiet, except for the security grid. Send her with one of the sabers. She might prove useful if one of them runs into trouble."

"You have my go ahead to send her out as you see fit." Mabrade reply. " Darius could be sent out to get some restricted supplies that we need. Be right up his alley and if the official orders are for sector 001, he will not be expected back soon."

"Good. I'd like you to send Serena Giacomo with Captain Culver."

Mabrade nodded, then added. "I think you are well suited to work with Darius on a plan, as you have a more covert mind, I am better at large scale defense and attack planning."

Raven nodded. She was aware of what Darius was doing as they talked regularly. And Morticia was now involved, which gave her other avenues to persue. "We'll take care of it. I'm fairly certain we'll have answers soon." Large-scale attacks were definitely not her strong suit, but this was, and Darius and Morticia would be perfect for what she had in mind.

The talk went to a more general discussion about the starbase and nearby system. Then a chime sounded on her computer. "Thank you, captain. I'm afraid I have to meet with someone else. I'll let you know of my progress."

When he was gone, she secured her office door and checked that her communication channel was secure for her next meeting.


Captain Landon Mabrade
Starbase Typhon

Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer
Starbase Typhon


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