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A change in the temple's Stars

Posted on Wed Mar 15th, 2023 @ 12:59pm by Commander Ashe Rii'Na MD

425 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Pirating Typhon resources
Location: Promenade


It had been a quiet recovery for Ashe, after things with Gal'Nor. The harder thing was seeing her love lying in a bed sedated while his wounds were healing, it was breaking her heart slowly.

Her dreams had not been the soundest, seeing those officers vaporised over and over again as well as JC being shot. She had woken up screaming his name through sickbay more than once.

Now she was just wandering the promenade, rather aimlessly. Lost in her own thoughts and ache of her heart. Soon enough she bumped into a Vedek, quite literally.

"My child, are you all right?" he asked.

"Would you be if you almost saw two people die, and someone you care about left for dead?" Ashe replied.

"Ah, I wondered how long it would take before you came to seek the temple and clarity. It was not your fault Ashe. Your hand was forced by another. Even if it was your phaser, it was not your finger on the trigger, you personally did not shoot JC, not the security officers."

"I feel responsible, I am their superior and what about JC. i went with Gal'Nor willingly, I had to leave him behind to save his life! How can I.."

"look him in the eye after it all and hope he still loves you? Ashe, he knows as much as you do that this is the doing of someone who was not seeing clearly. He will not blame you for this. I can see though that your confidence is shaken. You may just need some time. "

"I don't know if I can give an order that could put someone in danger again."

"Then maybe it's best you don't. There are surely other ways for you to serve? The temple, healing, diplomacy? Go home, get some rest and look at it from there. I am sure an answer will show itself." her replied, a hand to her shoulder.

"I think I need to go and have a talk with Mabrade. it may give me a better idea of my options. He deserves to know how i feel on this. I am his XO after all."

"That sounds like a wonderful idea. I am sure he can help you find clarity as far as career goes, the rest you will find on your own." The Vedek smiled. "Be well, Commander." and with that he moved on and left Ashe to her own devices.

With that, Ashe headed on her way up to Ops.

Commander Rii'Na Ashe
Executive Officer
Starbase Typhon


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