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Evacuation Procedures

Posted on Tue Jan 19th, 2010 @ 5:13am by

264 words; about a 1 minute read

Location: Tiberius V
Timeline: Current


Alert klaxons were sounding all over, not even a week into being on their paradise and it would seem that it had all been for nothing. The only good was that thousands had been saved from potential death and suffering.

[Aurorus City]

"All hands, stand-by for emergency launch!" Admiral Hince said into the coms, ever since the word had come down about the emergency, this had become a military operation. All around techs were rushing as the shield came up and the water drained out to be replaced by air. "Control room, take us up."

A shockwave of water went out from under the city as the main impulse drive came online and pushed it skyward. Within minutes the giant craft was nearing the surface, water pushing back from the shield as it moved ever upward.

For a brief few minutes it seemed to hang at the surface before it continued towards orbit, leaving a white column of vapor behind it. Miles away, a similar vapor could be seen coming from Mirar city as it cleared the forest canopy and followed Aurorus into the stars.

"Take us to warp the second we clear orbit" Hince ordered, "maximum speed to Nal Ta."

[20 Minutes Later]

Two bright lights filled the sky for an instant as the cities jumped into warp, and that was the last of the Neyel in the system. Will stood on the observation deck watching his now former home disappear, things like this were bigger than a career. With luck, he'd soon be back in the engineer's corp working to rebuild.



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