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Nighttime Woes

Posted on Tue Jan 19th, 2010 @ 4:27am by Captain Anna Johnson & Commander Dhindara Vrel

2,064 words; about a 10 minute read

Location: Anna's Quarters

When Anna had finished her people watching outing she returned to her quarters that now felt a little more like home. Having to bring up her father twice that day hadn't been too thrilling for her but for now she blew that off and looked around to double check how she had things decorated before trying to get some sleep.

Anna dozed off quickly and suddenly was back to her childhood. She was fourteen and her two year old twin brothers had been loud and cranky that day and she was doing her best to keep him away from them. They were too young and didn't need his wrath.

"Daddy look what I did for a project at school." Anna said holding up a model of a shuttle though quite different from the one that now sat on the shelf in the living room. "It's a scale model and I've done a report on it too you want to hear it?" Anna asked hopefully.

"There you go showing off again." her father said anger in his voice and alcohol on his breath he got in her face and started to scream at her. "You think you're better than me don't you? You always have, well you know what I have to say about that don't you?"

Anna closed her eyes and prepared for what was about to come but instead of being hit the adult Anna sat up in bed in a cold sweat. She hadn't dreamed about that in quite a while and could only guess having to talk about it today stirred up the suppressed memories.

Anna moved to the sink and splashed cold water on her face then grabbed a blanket then got a cup of hot water from the replicator and placed a teabag inside. She checked the time, it was late too late really to bother the counselor over a night mare though her mind was very troubled about the whole thing. Anna added sugar to her cup of tea then moved and pulled her legs in close to her on the sofa with the blanket near by as she sipped her tea.

Dhindara stirred. Her mind was disturbed, the dreams of another. Her eyes still closed, she felt around. She felt who it was coming from, she could almost see Anna's face in her mind. And she could feel she was distressed. She put on the lights, got out of bed, quickly ran a brush through her hair three times to make it presentable and left her quarters, dressed in a black night gown which could probably pass, without closer inspection, for a light dress, made of silk and adorned with lace. The Betazoid walked over a number of doors, following the emotions as they got stronger. Arriving at Anna's she rang the doorbell.

Anna looked toward the door cup cradled in her hands, "Come in," Anna said and watched as the doors parted almost certain of who would be on the other side.

Taking small, measured steps Dhindara entered the room. "Anna? It's me, Dhindara", she greeted, stepping up to her but stopping about three quarters across the room, not wanting to rob her of any personal space she might want. "I felt you were having a bad dream."

"You can say that." Anna said and motioned for Dhindara to take a seat. "I guess having to explain my injuries to the doctor today stirred up some old memories I hadn't thought about in a while." She answered then sipped her tea.

Dhindara sat down on the sofa, with her legs under her. "Mind if I share in that blanket?" she asked.

Anna moved the blanket out so that Dhindara could use it as well. "Do you want some tea or chocolate?" She asked having already put some more water on to heat.

"No, thanks", Dhindara replied. "Not this late at night." She leaned back on the sofa, looking at Anna. "Would you like to talk about things?"

Anna shrugged a bit, "My parents fell in love when they were finishing the classes as teenagers." Anna said. "Dad was well on his way to getting into the academy and becoming an engineer, then I happened. Mom was pregnant and dad married her and got a job locally to help her through the pregnancy and intended on joining Starfleet once he knew she and I were healthy. One year turned into two, then three and then he was doing well in the job he had as a local engineer and he just never made it to the academy and he blamed me for that. I spent the first ten years of my life as an only child getting all of the anger he had put on me and the next eight making sure he kept venting on me to save my brothers and sisters from his wrath. Then I got away from him by joining Starfleet myself. Instead of being proud of me like I thought he would he was jealous and started abusing me verbally every chance he got which made it next to impossible for me to keep in touch with my siblings unless they called me when he wasn't around." Anna said then stopped for a moment as she felt a tear roll down her face.

Dhindara put her arm around Anna's shoulders, moving the cover so Anna could lean into her, providing her with the proverbial shoulder to cry on. There wasn't much to be said, some things just couldn't be made better, just dealt with and processed. She could also sense from Anna that her father was dead and no longer an active danger to her mental or physical well-being. "You've come a long way since joining. Anyone not impressed with you making Lieutenant Commander under the age of thirty doesn't understand."

"He always said I thought I was better than him. Truth was I was just trying to make him proud. Nothing was ever good enough because he couldn't stand the fact I did what he never was able to do. I would have been better off without him in my life and him off on a starship some where than the memories he left me with." Anna said.

Trying to make Anna see there was always a good side to things she asked, "How close are you with your siblings now?"

"Not as close as I want to be. The twins are seventeen and my sister is fifteen so I've been away from them more than I was able to be with them." Anna said. "Though I did succeed in keeping dad from beating them. Then again he wanted them." She added.

"Had your father been away out in the stars, you wouldn't have siblings now", Dhindara said. "You've suffered a lot, now you need to focus on what you got out of the situation, and that's three wonderful young people you love."

"I've been tempted to see if mom will let my sister come stay with me for a while. My brothers will be finishing school soon and are already talking about joining Starfleet. I just don't know if I can handle my duties here and have my sister here too. She's old enough to take care of herself some but there is a lot she could get into on a starbase." Anna said.

"I'm sure there'll be plenty of us willing to look out for her when she's here", Dhindara encouraged Anna. "And if she comes anything after you, she'll be smart enough not to do any of the dumb things, like ticking off an Nausicaan."

Anna smiled and nodded, "Mom's health hasn't been the best since dad died. I think part of it might be depression. If I convince her to let my sister come here then I can work on getting her somewhere that can help her. The boys will be moving out soon anyway and I can hire someone to make sure the house is taken care of."

"I'd be happy to... give her a psychological once-over, so to speak", Dhindara offered.

"Mom doesn't like space travel too much. That's why she didn't plan on joining Starfleet herself. In fact if she hadn't gotten pregnant I doubt that she and dad would have ever married." Anna said. "That is why it will take some convincing for her to let Jana come here. Though being a station instead of a ship she may be more open to it."

"I can't say I enjoy space travel myself", Dhindara admitted. "But there are some things out here worth traveling for. You're one of them, I'm sure your mother will see that." She smiled at Anna, moving her hand up and down her upper arm as she hugged the younger woman. Sure, it would have looked odd to an outside observer but Dhindara could tell that Anna could use the physical support right now.

"Perhaps," Anna said, "If I can get her to see that it will be close to a miracle."

Dhindara attempted a joke. "You're a Starfleet engineer. I think you've already proven that you're a miracle worker."

"Machines, starships, starbases I can fix. Relationships I'm not so good at fixing." Anna said.

"How is your relationship with your mother?" Dhindara inquired.

"We aren't that close. She turned a blind eye to what dad did most of the time, made excuses for him that sort of thing. We are cordial at least but not as close as I would like." Anna answered.

"You'd benefit from a visit, I think", Dhindara replied. "And some lighter duties while they're here so you can spend more time with them."

"I've just arrived I can't exactly ask for lighter duties." Anna said.

"You won't have to", Dhindara said. "Look at it this way, a few days of less work and more family time will make you more emotionally balanced, and thus more effective on the job. I'm sure I can sell that idea to the Captain easily, if you'd like me to."

"I will think about it strongly. If I can convince mom to come out here then I will go from there." Anna said.

Dhindara smiled. She leaned back, still holding Anna. There was nothing else she felt she should say on the topic. Maybe there was something else Anna would like to say, or maybe she'd just like to be held some more, in silence. Dhindara didn't mind.

"I have considered getting a pet as well but if my sister can come and stay that might work. I'm torn if I'm in a big crowd too long I desire for the solitude of my quarters and when I'm here I can't stand being alone." Anna said.

"Do you feel more comfortable with just one person around you, or maybe a small group?" Dhindara asked.

"Small groups are good and even being in a bar or restaurant alone but among others works. At the same time I need friendship." Anna answered.

Dhindara smiled at her. "Looks like you've made a start tonight."

"The longer I'm here and the more friends I have the easier things will be for me here." Anna said.

"Good thing for a base this size is there's a larger variety of people to choose from to befriend", Dhindara replied, smiling.

"Also an equally large number of people to get under your skin." Anna said returning the grin.

"But you won't have to invite them to your quarters", Dhindara replied. "Though, well, you didn't invite me and I came anyway."

"Yeah sorry if I woke you. I didn't mean to." Anna said.

"I know. Don't worry about it", Dhindara smiled. "I wasn't sleeping too well either or I wouldn't have woken up because of your dream."

Anna hid a yawn behind her hand. "Well I'm feeling better now and perhaps I should try to sleep again."

Dhindara nodded, releasing her. "Come by in the morning for breakfast?" she asked.

"I'll be there." Anna said, "What time?" She asked.

"When you get up. I don't mind", Dhindara replied, standing up.

"Okay then. Have a good night, what's left of it." Anna said.

Dhindara gave Anna a kiss on the cheek, then left.

Anna grabbed her blanket and head back to her bedroom hoping to salvage the nights sleep.

Lieutenant Commander Anna Johnson, Chief of Operations
Lieutenant Commander Dhindara Vrel


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