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Posted on Mon Jan 25th, 2010 @ 11:06am by

282 words; about a 1 minute read

Location: Shuttlebay
Timeline: 1400 hrs

The doors to the Shuttlebay 25 opened, and Ensign Fox stepped though. The sites and the sounds almost overwhelming her senses. She brushed back the black hair from her green eyes, as she tried to steady the bag slung over her shoulders, and type into her PADD. She reviewed her orders once again. She had been assigned to Starbase Typhon, Air Traffic Control. Her first duty was to report to Comander Tolren, XO.
"Easy enough to do, " she thought to herself, looking around. She spotted a computer interface and approached it.
"Computer, location of XO's office," she spoke.
After a brief delay it gave her the answer.
"Comander Tolren's office is located on deck 12."
She glanced around and did not notice a turbo lift. Dimitra picked a direction and proceeded to walk. After a few minutes she walked past Transporter room 8. She stopped and bowed her head in defeat. Turning around she walked into the room.
Behind the console stood a young man in a red shirt.
"Excuse me, I am a bit lost. Where is the nearest turbo lift ?" she asked with a thick Soviet accent.
"Exit the door, and go left. It's about 40 meters down the corridor."
Ensign Fox smiled.
"Thank you." she spoke and turned on her heel.
Following the directions she was given, she soon found the turbo lift. After a short wait she stepped into it when the doors hissed open.
"Deck 12, please."
The doors closed and soon she was standing on deck 12. She exited it and walked on, eventualy finding the right door. With a deep breath, she pressed the door chime.
"Yes?" came a response.
"I am Ensign Dimitra Fox, here to report for duty, sir"


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