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Getting Supplies

Posted on Mon Jan 25th, 2010 @ 6:25am by Captain Anna Johnson

422 words; about a 2 minute read

Location: Cargo Bay
Timeline: 1530 hours

Ted stood in the middle of a cargo bay, surrounded by furniture and crates of dishes, cleaning supplies, food and drinks. He was standing next to LtJG Carter, who was directing the station personnel who were helping his minimal staff. He tapped a few more buttons on his padd and looked at Carter. "It looks like it's going good. Are the table linens and dishes all together in spot, separate from the furniture and other things?" Ted was a stickler for that; every category had to be in its own place.

"They are and are also labeled as such." Jeannette answered. "The other supplies you ordered should arrive by the end of the week so you will have to use the replicated drinks until then. "They charged double the price to get it here by then."

Ted nodded. "Thanks. Figures they'd charge that much. Any word on how much the Jim Beam and Jack Daniels cost me?"

Jeannette pulled up the PADD with the order on it and handed it to Ted without a word.

Ted let out a low whistle. "Wow. That is a lot. But it's worth it to keep the XO happy." He handed the padd back to the woman. "Thanks for taking the time to do this," he smiled. He suddenly saw Dreral trying to pickup something way too heavy for him. Ted rushed over. "Riven, Riven. Don't pick that up, let the transporter get it. We don't need you hurting yourself."

Jeannette shook her head, "Is there anything else you need?" She asked.

Ted took a hold of Riven's arm and said, "Nope, that's all I got fer now. Just wanted to make sure that everything was there. Thank you, ma'am."

"Okay verify where you want this teleported to if you would please and I will have it there waiting on you." Jeannette said handing Ted the PADD for his approval.

Ted read the padd and pressed his thumb to the scanner. "There ya go. Any more paperwork that Commander Johnson needs me to do?"

"That's all we need Mr. Turner. Thank you for your cooperation." Jeannette replied.

Ted nodded and turned and left with Riven in tow. The boy had to learn not to bite off more than he could chew. When they got onboard the Orion, Ted did find everything waiting. Alright. Let's get to work."


LtJG Jeanette Carter
Operations Officer
Starbase Typhon
Played by: LCdr Anna Johnson

Ted Turner
Lounge Manager
USS Orion

Riven Dreral
USS Orion
Played by: Lt Austin Greenwood


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