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Posted on Tue Dec 22nd, 2009 @ 1:16am by

405 words; about a 2 minute read

Location: Will's Quarters
Timeline: Current


Ideas, thoughts, designs and finally action to create. The two floor apartments were nice but for some in for the long haul that wasn't gonna do. In particular a certain forest loving engineer needed something more like home and one way or the other he planned on getting it. Besides, it was his time to spend, engineering was going just fine and he was off duty for now.

"Ok, top floor is already out, windows got forcefields to guarantee I don't get my self sucked out" Will said to himself looking at the pretty much destroyed quarters, "nowhere to go but up."

The engineer started adding in support for the new topside part of his quarters, essentially metal made to resemble a tree holding up a fake tree house of sorts. A sorts of bangs were heard as it all came together in the center and branched outward to a few loft type areas in the sides of the room. Each of the three loft areas had a room of some sort under it in the end. The entrance to the quarters had a loft over it with the head right to the right. The corner ones had storage and a kitchen. Topside was pretty much open air, desks, chairs, tables a couch and a bed.

So that left rooms downstairs, lots of floor space for working, sleeping and relaxing on the lofts and room for improvement over time. Of course the quarters were large to start, apparently starships had cramped space and starbases were luxury resorts.

"Ok, structure, furniture, now plants" Will said, pulling in the last thing for the room, a few vines that ran along the walls and to the lofts, lots of smaller trees that would bare useful fruits and a handful of straight up flower-bearing trees. All said and done the room resembled the engineers homeworld with the exception of the large curved window in the side that provided a view of the planet below.

A good fourteen hours later the engineer had his tools packed up with everything in its place and a place for everything. "Captain's gonna have a heart-attack if he ever comes in here" Will said, jumping up to catch a vine and walking along its top into that central tree. Inside a bed was waiting which the engineer quite readily plopped into and fell asleep.


Lieutenant Commander Will Couter
Chief Engineer
SB Typhon


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