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Dr. Danner Makes a House call

Posted on Tue Dec 22nd, 2009 @ 5:06am by Commodore Edward Fannin

283 words; about a 1 minute read

Location: Captains Ready room
Timeline: Current


Fannin was just about ready to call it a day as Yeoman James came through the door. "Sir I have a Young Doctor that would like to report in."

Ed looked up,"Well, show the Man in please."

Andre walked in and was somewhat startled with the size of the room. Several crew were working at the far end in a glass cubical..

"Lieutenant Danner reporting for duty Sir."

The Captain came from around the table and shook Andre's hand. "Relax Doctor and have a seat. I won't keep you long at all, how was your trip?"

"Long Sir, This place is quite a ways out."

"Well now your here safe and sound I won't be so nervous about Medical. We have so few staff so you are going to be very busy your first few days. There is one surgeon on board and I'll bet he'll jump for joy even if he is a Vulcan."

Danner nodded. 'Yes, I was diverted on my way to the USS Harbinger Sir, I wasn't expecting this at all..."

Fannin smiled, "Your duty is to be where your needed, And we need you here. You have the newest equipment in the Fleet Danner and I require you to put it to good work. Start as soon as you can. The Yeoman will get you to your quarters and issue you some personal equipment, your medical tricorder is the latest mod."

Andre knew this interview was over and there was another Doc that probably needed a break. He left the captains office following Yeoman James. What a way to begin.


Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer
USB Typhon

Lieutenant (jg) Andre Danner
Medical Officer
USB Typhon


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