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Diplomatic Discussions

Posted on Sat Feb 6th, 2010 @ 10:13pm by

845 words; about a 4 minute read

Location: Starbase Typhon: Deck 59 / Ambassador Lenar's Office

Cadet Murphy frowned. This was going to be a complicated conversation.

"Cadet Redding Murphy. How can I help you this morning?" Faron asked.

"Sir, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it 3 in the afternoon?" Murphy asked.

"Ask my receptionist. She keeps my schedules. I always think it's morning, unless it's time to rest. At any rate, what can the UFP Embassy do for you?" Faron asked.

"Well... I spent two years of my cadet years on an exchange program with the Klingon Empire... and there was this girl... I knew... who wasn't 'warrior enough' to graduate their' program. I wanted to have her here for my graduation... we were close... but... I can't seem to get any new responses out of her over the past two months." Red replied.

"That does propose a problem, could you tell me when you are graduating?" Faron asked.

"Uhm... before we launch from Typhon, sir." Murphy said.

"Miracles cost extra, Mr. Murphy. I will do my best, but I will be collecting a favor in return. If you'll supply her name, Klan name, and rural/planet address, and I will do my best to get her here in time." Faron said with a nod.

"I will certainly do my best. That phrase reminds me of my Chief Engineer, though." Murphy said with a nod.

"Chaplin, Joey, Lieutenant Junior Grade. What phrase, specifically?" Faron asked.

"Collecting a Favor. It's a running joke in the engineering department that he has a big jar full of favors that he collects, and just sits there sometimes, and watches the little sparkly things dance around in the jar." Murphy said.

Faron laughed slightly. "That certainly is a very figurative way of describing it. As a Federation Ambassador, Favors collected years ago result in peace conferences going through on time tomorrow. Your Chief Engineer understands the value of intangible things of great value. You would do well to emulate some of his traits. Now, about this woman..."

"Her name is Katel. She lives on Q'ono's, sir." Murphy said, and handed her a piece of paper with Klingon script describing her Klan name, and adress.

"Katel, Daughter of Krall. You have good taste, Cadet. I will see what I can do. An old friend of mine owes me a few favor. And a few Klingons owe her a few more. I will do my best." Faron said.

Murphy smiled. "Thank you sir."

"In exchange..." Faron started.

"You are cashing in your favor already?" Murphy asked.

"...My wife is starting a very large arboretum on the Embassy grounds. I don't want to deplete the Starbase of it's current Engineering department. I was wondering if you could consult some of your co-staff members to have it set up quickly while they are on leave." Faron said.

Murphy giggled a little, remembering Joey's pet project with Kris Munroe, the Asgard, and now Alabama's botanist, and their' arboretum. "I think I know a few people who would be willing to help." Murphy said with a nod.

"Excellent. You pull strings on your end, and I will pull strings on mine. Make sure you stop by the reception desk, and get Amalia to message your Instructor that the UFP Embassy has ample conference room space to accommodate the graduation ceremony." Faron said.

Murphy nodded. "Thank you, Mr. Ambassador."

"Please refrain from such titles, Cadet. I find them.... distasteful, when not used by visiting diplomats." Faron replied.

"So how should I address you in the future?" Murphy asked.

"Faron, or Doctor Lenar. Whichever you prefer." Faron noted.

Murphy nodded. "You got it, Doc. I'll be back in a while with a few friends to help with your Engineering Retrograde."

"Retrograde, Mr. Murphy? This is not a retrograde. This is a redecoration project." Faron replied.

"My apologies, Doc." Murphy said.

Faron smiled. "Until next time, Mr. Murphy."

"Doc." Murphy replied.


"Ah... Mr. Murphy... according to the Ambassador's notes, you have a couple of items for my attention?" Amalia asked, as Murphy left the office.

Murphy nodded. "Could you let Lieutenant Chaplin of the Alabama know that the UFP Embassy has agreed to host the graduation ceremony for his Cadet class?"

Amalia nodded. "That sounds wonderful. Our first official event. I'll need a list of all staff members attending, so I know how to organize the catering."

"The Ambassador also said you needed help with your Interior Decorating project. I will hopefully be back within a few hours with a few cadets, and possibly even Lieutenant Chaplin, to help." Murphy said, summarizing the second bit.

"Wonderful. We'll need to reinforce the power stations around the deck, and do some other issues, regarding the moisture, and what have you." Amalia said.

Murphy nodded. "Until we meet again, Mrs. Lenar."

"I look forward to it, Cadet Murphy." Amalia said with a nod.


Starbase Typhon Staff:

Amalia Lenar,
Starbase Typhon

Played by/with:
Doctor Faron Lenar,
UFP Ambassador,
Starbase Typhon

USS Alabama Staff:

Cadet Redding Murphy,
Engineering Cadet,
USS Alabama

Played by:
Lieutenant Junior Grade Joey Chaplin
Chief Engineering Officer,
USS Alabama


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