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Engineering Mayhem

Posted on Sun Feb 7th, 2010 @ 2:33am by

703 words; about a 4 minute read

Location: USS Orion -> Engine Room
Timeline: 1300 hours

A group of engineers from the starbase had come to the Orion to see if they could help. A small part of the team was still working in the lounge, but the main part of the team was with Rita. She told Tyrone and the others to stay outside while she went into the engine room and looked for the woman in charge. The sight that met her dark eyes was one that would make a chief engineer shudder. Everything was mangled or out of place. This ship HAD had it rough.

Right walked up to the lieutenant and smiled. "Excuse me, ma'am. I'm Ensign Nunez. My team and I are here to help you with repairs." The dark woman's accented voice sounded a little...tense.

Alex looked up from the console she was working on. She looked at the woman abruptly. On any other day, there would have been tons of pleasantries and introductions, but today was not one of those days. To say that Alex was stressed out was an understatement. "Good good...first things first, we need to replace EPS relays in 57 different sections of the ship. Then, weapons and shields, then replace all damaged or worn consoles around the ship...especially in here..." She looked around at the scorch marks that lined Main Engineering.

She then started back to work, but stopped again, looking back up at the woman. If someone will finish these deflector diagnostics, I'd like to lead a team to Impulse control."

"Yes ma'am." Rita liked this woman already.

"The secondary gyrodine relay of the propulsion interchamber destabilized as we pulled into starbase. As you least, I hope you know...we can't fly in a straight line without it." Alex said, standing up and straightening her skirt variant uniform, which revealed her perfectly shaped legs.

Rita hadn't noticed the skirt before, but didn't say anything. All she did was raise an eyebrow at the skirt and nod. "Aye ma'am, I'll get my team right on it. Is there anything else that needs to be fixed before I give my team their orders?"

"We're having a bit of trouble with computer connections between Engineering and the Main deflector, but I already have a team on that." Alex said, getting up. She looked around the room. She spotted the Assistant Chief Engineer, Lieutenant JG Soto walking in from the corridor. "David. Can you take over here, I'm going to Impulse control."

"I sure can, ma'am." The man said, an extremely charming smile on his face.

Rita turned and walked to her group outside the doors, thinking this place was strange indeed. She reached the group of base engineers who gave her their attention as she walked up. "First things first. We're going to be replacing EPS relays in 57 different areas around the ship."

Tyrone frowned. "What happened?"

Rita shook her head. "I don't know exactly, but I do know that this ship has seen a lot of battle lately."

Tyrone nodded.

"Once we are all done with that, Emily and Mitchell will fix the secondary gyrodine relay of the propulsion interchamber and then get started on the starboard shields and then begin repairs on the torpedo launchers. Krall and Rovan will take the damaged consoles on the entire ship."

The young Trill's eyes widened. "The entire ship, ma'am?"

Rita gave her a stern look. "Yes, Rovan, the entire ship. Hildebrandt and Williams will take port shields after the relays, Ingam and Javil will take the forward shields after the relays, then get started on the forward phaser array." She continued along these lines until everyone had been assigned a task and a section of the ship to do it on.

Rita felt like a windbag so she decided to open it for questions if anyone was unclear. "Any questions?" They shook their heads. "Okay. Let's get to work." They dispersed, each heading to a different part of the ship. Rita thought again about the chief engineer. This was a very odd place indeed...


Lieutenant Alexandra Adeyemon
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Orion

Typhon NPC's:

Ens Rita Nunez
Ens Tyrone Mitchell
CWO2 Emily O'Boyle
CPO Melara Rovan
PO2 Kiana Ingam
PO3 Jorias Javil

Played by: Austin Greenwood


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