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Cleaning Up A Mess

Posted on Mon Feb 8th, 2010 @ 7:50am by

201 words; about a 1 minute read

Location: USS Alabama Port Shield Control Array
Timeline: 1430 hours

Austin beamed into the shield control array and looked at the mess on the floor. It had gotten on some conduits and on the fourth shield generator. Being careful not to step on it, he began to clean it up. It took him an hour to do it, but he did it. He saw some cadets standing outside the place but said, "Don't come near me now, I'm cleaning up an infected gelpack." They backed off nervously. "Stay out of here for a while," he drawled.

He beamed out and beamed back with more supplies. Sanitizing the entire thing, he stood up and looked at the cadets. "I'll be right back." He beamed into Sickbay and put the supplies in the reclamator with the rest of them, telling the nurse he would reclamate them when he came out of decon. After decontaminating himself and his uniform, he went back to the shield array to find the cadets waiting for him. They had started trying to fix the shields and just made a general mess of things. Austin rubbed the back of his neck, looking over mess. "It's gonna be a long week," he muttered.


Lt Austin Greenwood
SB Typhon


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