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Getting "Right" to the heart of the matter

Posted on Sun Feb 14th, 2010 @ 8:41pm by Commander Krang Darkmoon

561 words; about a 3 minute read

Location: The Outer Ring
Timeline: Current

Krang made his way through Section 148. He had been making the rounds out in the outer ring for several hours and between him and his team they had made 41 arrests. The charges ranged from simple shop lifting to major person on person assault.

He heard someone shout, "Hey, stop that guy!" just in time to look up and see a young man running through the crowd. Krang thought quickly. He moved just to the side of the man's expected path and waited. Sure enough the kid pushed his way through and passed right next to where Krang was standing. Krang shifted his weight to his front foot and held his right arm straight out to the side. Before the kid could react, he ran right into Krang's arm. His head and shoulders came to a sudden stop, but his feet and lower half kept moving. In the blink of an eye, the guy went completely horizontal to the deck and then fell hard.

All of this happened in a split second. As the kid landed on the deck, everyone spread out and moved away from the scene.

Larry looked up and moaned. He reached around and felt the large knot that was forming on the back of his head. He looked at Krang and shook his head. "I must have hit my head harder than I thought. At this angle you look like some kind of giant monkey." he groaned.

Krang picked him up by the shirt collar and lifted him to his feet. "I'm an ape, monkeys have tails." he said leaning right into the kid's face.

Larry's eyes got really wide and he squeaked, "A talking monkey!"

One of Krang's security officers walked up beside him. "Nice moves, Chief. I haven't seen a take down like that in a while." he said patting Krang on the shoulder.

"I am so glad I could entertain you, Kilwalski." Krang grumbled, "Take this jerk before I really smack him." he said pushing the kid into Kilwalski's arms.

"You caught him. Thank you so much!" the older woman said as she walked up. She bent down and picked up a small shoulder bag off the deck. "Punk snatched my bag. It has my, well, everything in it."

"Glad I could help. You might want to keep that bag close to you. Maybe leave it in your quarters an only carry what you need at the time with you."

The older lady rolled her eyes and replied in a snarky way, "Yeah, that will work out great. That way I only have to make 500 trips a day to my quarters. Have you seen the size of this station?"

She didn't even wait for Krang to respond before she turned and walked away into the crowd.

Kilwalski pressed a transport marker onto the kid's shirt and activated it. A moment later the shimmer and glow of the transporter claimed the young punk. "Make sure you let the brig know he's there. We wouldn't want him to end up like the other kid." Krang said with a grin.

"Yeah. We don't want him to miss his bread and water." Kilwalski laughed.

"Alright, let's get back to our patrol. I want to finish at least one lap of this deck before shift end."

=/\\= End of Transmission =/\\=

Lieutenant Commander Krang Darkmoon
Chief Security Officer / [SRT Leader]
Starbase Typhon


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