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Austin Checking In....

Posted on Sun Feb 14th, 2010 @ 11:31pm by Commodore Edward Fannin

283 words; about a 1 minute read

Location: Ops
Timeline: Current

Austin had just come from Sickbay. Of all the stupid things to get hurt with, he got burned by a power conduit as he made to put the power back on. He shook his head. It was just stupid and he hoped to god that no one ever found out. He walked into Ops and found not LCdr Johnson at the controls, but Capt Fannin. Cautiously, he walked up to Captain Fannin.

"Hello, sir. You know where Commander Johnson is? Only I got three reports for her..."

"I believe she's sleeping at the current time, or with her Sister."

Austin hesitated. He was, after all, her immediate superior at the moment... "Do you want me to come back later or leave them here with you? They're about the Orion and the holodecks and replicators."

"Perhaps you could just upload the reports to her padd..."

Austin nodded and uploaded the reports.

The report about the holodecks said that nothing was out of order, everything worked fine. He had gone to the infirmary to get his hand looked at and saw a guy in there that had gotten hurt in holodeck fifteen; apparently the guy had merely done what Austin liked to call 'a stupid'.

The report about the Orion included the repairs as they were progressing and the estimated time to completion which would be 52 hours.

The last report said that the replicators were fixed and that nothing major had been wrong except for a few worn isolinear chips.

He took his leave of Ops and headed to the Orion, which would need every pair of hands it could get.


Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon

Lt Austin Greenwood
SB Typhon


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