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This Is Not A Drill

Posted on Mon Feb 22nd, 2010 @ 10:50pm by Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg

286 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: 1st Battalion ready Room
Timeline: Current

Jerry was just getting back from the mess hall when the Yellow alert sounded. He ran to the Parade field and watched as all of his on duty personnel were forming up and gathering equipment. Major Parino wasn't certain what the alert was about but knew it wasn't a drill, Yellows are serious business. he saw his XO and got her moving on getting the 1st ready for anything while he trotted off to Marine HQ.

He entered and wasn't surprised at the activity. He headed to the colonels office to report.

"Come on in Major..." Wilhelm said through the door.

Jerry stepped in and snapped off a quick salute, "The first should be ready in a few minutes Sir. Luckily we still had most of our equipment on the deck from the excersise. Have we heard anything yet?"

"From what I got from the Captain is that some of our flyboys were out on patrol and found themselves in the middle of a Romulan minefield. The Captain is worried the Romulans are trying to stick their ugly noses where it doesn't belong."

"Not good, is there anything you need us ready for in particular Colonel. My Marines should be ready by now for sure."

"Your Battalion's goal right now will be Base defense and boarding operations, but more so defense of this installation. If any opportunity arises to where we need to send in boarders I'll keep you in mind so you can get some actual field experience. By the way you've been doing an excellent job with your Battalion keep up the good work."


Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
21st Marines CO
Starbase Typhon

Major Jerry Parino
1st Battalion, 21st Marines
Starbase Typhon


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