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Bumping In

Posted on Wed Jan 13th, 2010 @ 11:13pm by

434 words; about a 2 minute read

Location: Hangar
Timeline: Current


From post to post and point to point, it seemed that when you were working with engineering everything that was living was something you were responsible for. Well it seemed that now included fighters to some extent or another as a good stack of reports came down that a flight of the fighters was defective on arrival.

"What else is there that isn't working?" Will said as he climbed up through the Jeffery's tubes and then shot out into the hangar only to find a pilot right in front of the hatch. Unfortunately for her, the engineer didn't have time to stop or room to avoid her and they went down in a tangle of arms, legs and a tail.

Dea wasn't prepared to be toppled to the floor by the abrupt arrival of another individual. So far her morning had not gone as planned. Trying her best to regain her composure as she got up off the floor, "Can I help you?"

Will took his time getting up and at that he only leaned up against the bulkhead, "yea, don't block the Jeffery's Tubes, right now its the fastest way around" he said, "at least until I tweak those damn turbolifts."

"Blocking?" Dea shook her head, "No I was just trying to find the fastest route from point A to point B on my flight deck when someone else tried to get my attention for yet another issue this morning. I was simply passing by or trying to."

"The fried flight?" Will asked as he got up, "assuming no one's fixed it you have at least a flight of DOA fighters up here."

"Wonderful that's the last thing I needed to hear, but thanks for letting me know," Dea commented.

"Join the club" Will said, "whoever you XO is up here has sent me report after report demanding someone come up and fix the damn things."

Dea shook her head, "Yeah and they didn't inform me. Anyway I"ll let you get back to your duties just send me the final report when the job has been complete."

"I will" Will said, "mind getting your XO off my back in the mean-time? There are some bigger fish to fry and so far I've had about no time to do anything and he's always got a fresh stack of requests on my desk til' I get there."

All she could do was nod, "No guarantees but I"ll see what I can do. I'm pretty sure there's a few other things I can find that will occupy him more than bugging you."



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