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Reportin' In

Posted on Thu Jan 14th, 2010 @ 4:55am by Commodore Edward Fannin

368 words; about a 2 minute read

Location: Ready Room
Timeline: current

A large pillar of light shimmered into existence on the transporter pad, forming the shape of a rather large man. He asked the chief to hold his things until he got his quarters assignment. He picked up the duffel with ease and put it over his shoulder. He walked down the corridor towards the nearest turbolift and entered it.


He waited patiently while the lift did its job. It deposited him into the command center and he walked quickly to the ready room and sounded the chime.

Captain Fannin observed a tall Marine headed this way. He knew several new officers were arriving to Typhon. And was eager to meet them all.

Tex snapped a salute. "Sir! LCol Texas Greenwood reportin' fer duty, SIR!" His thick drawl left little doubt as to his home.

"At ease Greenwood." Edward stood from his chair smiling and shook the Lieutenants hand. "You must be our new Marine XO."

"Yes sir." Baby blue eyes bored into Edward, giving him the impression Tex knew exactly what he was thinking.

"I hope your trip was quick, where were you before arriving here at Typhon?"

"Deep Space Four, sir." It was becoming clear that Tex was the kind of guy that was quick and to the point.

"Outstanding, we are glad to have you with us. Have you met the marine CO Yet?"

"No sir, Ah wuz gonna meet 'im next."

"Good, I'm sure you will be very busy. The 21st only has one of the Battalion Commanders here so far. We also have several Fleet commitments coming up soon. I'm sure your up for the Task."

"Yes sir, Ah'll go awl the way."

"If you need anything at all just grab a hold of me."

"Yes sir." Tex waited for the man to dismiss him.

"Well if you have know further questions for me Lieutenant I'll get back to this current boredom I suffer. Again it's good to have you with us. Thank you for stopping by, dismissed."

Tex nodded and left to see the quartermaster about billeting. New assignments were always a hassle at first...


Capt Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon

LCol Tex Greenwood
Marine Regiment XO
Starbase Typhon



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