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Diplomatic Reprimands

Posted on Mon Mar 15th, 2010 @ 7:09am by

840 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Federation Embassy

Ambassador Lenar watched his console. "So you have the list of officers involved with the illegal scans?"

The person on the other side of his console nodded. Their face was darkened, they were in a featureless room, and there was nothing specifically identifiable about them. But Faron knew the person.

"Yeah. Aside from Captain Fannin, of course, who ordered any, and all vessels to be searched, Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg was the Marine Commanding Officer in question, Sergeants Otto, and Wilks, and Chief Warrant Officer 2nd class, Willey and Tuvall." The other person's voice noted. The voice came through a mechanical scrambler.

Faron nodded. "That matches up with the reports I've received to date." Faron said. "You've passed this information on to my superiors, so I can officially issue a proper letter of reprimand, I assume?"

The other person nodded. "You should be receiving a call from Ambassador Sujik shortly. This call is now terminated, due to time restrictions."

Faron nodded, and the screen blanked out. He sipped his tea. Old friends in dark places were always handy to have.

His screen blinked. He tapped the receive communication button on his screen.

He smiled. "Ambassador Sujik. Right on schedule."

"You have friends in unique places, Ambassador Lenar." Sujik noted.

"Lieutenant Commander Jenda is a handy friend to have, yes." Faron said.

Sujik nodded. "I assume you are awaiting an official letter of reprimand to pass along."

Faron nodded. "Yes sir."

"Due to extenuating circumstances, Captain Fannin will not be receiving a letter of Reprimand." Sujik noted. "The attack on his crew was unexpected and-"

"And denied by the Rihannsu government. The mines in question were out-dated, and easily accessible on the black market. More to the point, and with all due respect, it does not matter one damn bit whether or not his crew was attacked. You know as well as I damn well do, that you can not legally search a foreign vessel if it's flying under Diplomatic flags. If the Embassy does not wish to write a letter of reprimand, as local Ambassador, I will have to bring up formal charges against Captain Fannin, Colonel Wilhem Baron von Hackleburg, and every one of his marines who were active in that search. You know that just as well as I do. I had a nice chat with the Rihannsu Ambassador, and I do not appreciate how she has been treated by the Federation. I am strongly recommending that you revise your decision not to formally reprimand Captain Fannin, and his staff members in question." Faron retorted.

"I had estimated a 23.7% chance that you would come up with a valid argument for the letter of reprimand, and, as such, have had it drafted up. It will be transferring to your terminal immediately upon the disconnection of this call." Sujik noted. He lifted his hand. "Peace, and long life."

"Going at this rate, Ambassador Sujik, my life is not going to be especially peaceful, and if Amalia were to learn how much paperwork I'm likely to generate over this issue, it would not be an especial long one either." Faron noted.

Sujik didn't quite smile, as the comm-panel disconnected.

1 File Transfer: Letter of Diplomatic Reprimand From: Vulcan Embassy, Planet Vulcan. His terminal noted, in place of Sujik's face.

To the attention of Captain Edward Fannin:

Your staff has recently violated several Diplomatic, and Starfleet codes, and as such, are on formal reprimand by the Vulcan, and Federation Embassy.
Please find attached a complete list of personnel involved.

Complainant: Romulan Star Empire
Complainant Representative: Ambassador Miral Annwhi
Federation Complaint Filing Representative: Ambassador Faron Lenar, Ambassador Sujik of Vulcan, Ambassador William Morrow of Earth.
Carbon Copy Recipients of this note: Vice Admiral Kathryn Burke, Admiral Brent McGinty, Rear Admiral James Wood.

Key Witnesses to these events: Ambassador Miral Annwhi, Unnamed Starfleet Intelligence Operative

Defendants in question:
Captain Edward Fannin
Colonel Wilhem Baron von Hackleburg
Sergeant Otto
Sergeant Wilks
Chief Warrant Officer 2nd class Willey
Chief Warrant Officer 2nd class Tuvall

Official Reprimand Note:

Diplomatic Reprimand - Unwarranted, illegal, and unannounced search of Diplomatic Vessel
Diplomatic Reprimand - Illegal search of Personal Possessions of a Foreign Ambassador
Starfleet Reprimand - Captain Edward Fannin - Conduct unbecoming a Commanding Officer
Marine Reprimand - Colonel Wilhem Baron von Hackleburg -Conduct unbecoming a Marine Commanding Officer
Marine Reprimand - Sergeant Otto, Wilks, Chief Warrant Officer 2nd class Willey, Tuvall - Conduct unbecoming a Marine Officer

Note: This is only a formal Reprimand. No Formal Charges have been filed, though they may be filed by the Complainant at any time. You are required to answer this reprimand within 24 Federation Standard Hours.

Faron signed the file, and pressed Transfer to Recipient/Carbon Copy Recipients.

He looked at the bottle of Bourbon. "Sorry, Captain, I'm starting without you, though I doubt you'll remain not present long after reading that nice little letter."


Ambassador Faron Lenar
UFP Ambassador
USB Typhon Embassy


Lieutenant Commander Jenda
Starfleet Intelligence Operative

Ambassador Sujik
UFP Ambassador
Vulcan Embassy


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