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Disciplinary Action...

Posted on Mon Mar 15th, 2010 @ 4:34am by Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg

1,067 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: brig, Marine Holodeck 2
Timeline: current


Sergeant Major Shran van-Zhee was sleeping happily in his cot when his communicator started going off. Groggily he hit it, "van-Zhee go." The sergeant said. On the other end a nervous security officer said. "Sir. We picked up four of your marines in Rick's Tavern. They were drinking and got into a fight. They messed the place up pretty bad sir." Shran just shook his head "Damn greenhorns....." he mumbled to himself, "I'll be right down to pick them up." Finished with security he contacted Marine HQ, "Have Sergeant Ranier and Corporal Simmons meet me in the brig in 20 minutes..."

Nineteen minutes later the Sergeant Major walks into the Brig with the two other marines. Talking quickly with the guards they march off to a cell. Even through the forcefield he could smell alcohol, "MARINES ON YOUR FEET!"

Thomas was passed out when the angry 1st sgt screamed through the forcefield. Training took over, and he instantly jumped to attention. A half-second later, the rest of the team followed. "Aye, First sgt!" they reported together, all ready to ride the storm that was to follow.

"ALLRIGHT YOU SORRY SOB'S GET YOUR BUTTS OUT HERE AND IN MARCH COLUMN ON THE DOUBLE!" Shran shouts as Sergeant Ranier deactivates the forcefield. "MOVE YOU APES!" Shran shouts.

There was no thought for Thomas, only re-action. He followed the quickly and purpose. He heard a loud crash behind him, a winced slightly. Someone had fallen out...Thomas felt as if he might as well. Only stubborness kept him up.

Shran seen Darius hit the deck like a ton of bricks. "GOD...Corporal get him up and carry him if you have to." Shran orders, "The rest of you: FORWARD MARCH!"

After a long march through the station they arrive at Marine Holodeck 2. Chief Warrant Officer Chuck Willey is waiting for them. Shran looks at Willey as they enter the holodeck. "Chief, check these guys out. You might want to start with the big one hanging onto Corporal Simmons. Don't sober them up though..." Shran says. Quickly scanning Darius, Willey says, "Broken knose and a mild concussion." Taking out some medical tools he quickly fixes Darius's knose and gives him a hypo to relieve the concussion. Scanning the rest. He goes up to Thomas and gives him a hypo, "Concussion..." Turning to the First Sergeant he says "They're all fit yet drunk Sergeant Major." Shran sends away the Warrant Officer and says "Computer activate Detox for Four."

The hologrid disappears to reveal an open field with 4 small tables with chairs, 24 bottles of water per each table and 4 buckets. "ALLRIGHT PRIVATES. TIME TO SOBER YOU UP! YOU WANNA DRINK? Have a seat and start CHUGGING!...." Shran yells.

Kane sat down, and opened his first bottle, and downed it. He got a good number of them down before he couldn't take it anymore, and he emptied the contents of his stomach into the bucket. He knew everyone else was doing the same.

"Good marines. That'll clear you head. Now that you all threw that junk up we need to rehydrate you. Keep drinking!!" Shran said. "Computer replicate another 24 bottles of water per table."

Kane resisted the urge to groan...he didn't want another drink of water for days...regardless, he began drinking them until they were finished...his stomach was was killing him and he had to piss very badly.

The Sergeant Major sees that they have all drank enough water to clear their heads up. Shran excuses them for 7 minutes to face the consequences of drinking that much water.

As the team went to relieve themselves, Thomas punched Darius in the mouth,
"What the hell was that for?" The big man yelled.

"For starting a fight and putting us through this...good job."

After they were finished they returned and stood at attention before Shran,

"Now my drunks. Here is the formal charges that are against you: Destruction of property, assault and battery for your little fight, drunk in public, and finally getting drunk while not on leave or permission from your CO. Punishment for these offences has been remanded to me. So we'll start it now. Computer, load Punishment Run Bravo Six Five." Shran said as the scenery changed to a forrested area with a very complicated obstacle course and a track that curved into the woods. "Time for a little run..." By little he meant 15 miles. "You drunks get to run this till I'm satisfied with your times. MOVE OUT!! Sergeant Ranier, Corporal Simmons, keep pace."

The first time that they ran the course, it was horrible. As they continued to do it however, slowly teamwork started to show. Insteading of doing it seperately, the team was helping each other. On the run, they stayed together, keeping up a pace that didn't slow. They kept running, and even though all were out of breath, they refused to stop.

Finally Shran seen the group round the final turn for a second time and cross the finish line, a full minute under the required time . "THAT'S ENOUGH!" Shran shouted at them. Walking over to where the marines were panting like dogs and about ready to drop. "Stay at ease." The Sergeant Major said. "Now, for the rest of your punishment: You marines and the Fleeties you had your 'sparring match' with will pay for the damage and the general distress you caused at Rick's Tavern. That'll come to a full 300 Credits apiece, plus you'll be docked a month's pay. You are all hereby confined to barracks, when not on duty, along with a diet of nothing but ration bars and water until you prove we can trust you on your own again until further notice. Of course expect some extra duties as well." Shran finished as he looked at his antique wrist watch, "You all have to report for duty in two hours so I suggest you all go get a quick catnap..." Shran said then added, "One other little thing...Good job busting those fleet heads and don't ever do it again." Shran said with a smile. "FALL OUT!"

As Shran walked away Thomas was dumbounded...good job? Alex was about to speak when Thomas raised his hand.
"Don't say a word."

He walked away towards his quarters to get some quick sleep.

Sergeant Major Shran van-Zhee
21st Marines First Sergeant
Starbase Typhon (played by Wilhelm

PFC Thomas Kane
Starbase Typhon


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