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Formal Response to Ambassador Lenar

Posted on Mon Mar 15th, 2010 @ 3:45pm by Commodore Edward Fannin

447 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: From The Desk of Captain Edward Fannin
Timeline: Current

TO: Faron Lenar>

FROM: Edward Fannin>

I have received your correspondence regarding my alleged formal reprimand. An will take a few minutes from my duties to answer these concerns. Please read this very carefully.>

The order to scan vessels on this station was given by me acting under my command authority. The orders were to scan all vessels on the station including Federation vessels for possible explosive devices. No vessels were boarded during this task. The Marine Colonel was assigned to accomplish this task under my direct orders and not subject to any reprimand at all as he was following the orders of his Captain.>

As the commanding officer of this station I may search, and or seize any person, object or organic matter within it's confines, if I have probable cause to believe a threat may be present that puts the lives of the inhabitants under any risk whatsoever.>

I reject any formal reprimands issued by you regarding the performance of my duties or the orders I have given to my subordinates. If you feel the need to continue this pointless attack from the Romulan Ambassador due so with formal charges and bring your proof that I committed a crime. I have been accused of conduct unbecoming an officer. I shall legally defend those charges in open court.>

Any diplomatic reprimands mean nothing to me regardless of their nature. Diplomats are not assigned the duties of commanding Starfleet vessels or stations. They are guests.>

The diplomatic breakdown that our Romulan Guest is currently having is of her own design. The mission I have here aboard the Typhon is not of her concern. I have made no accusations nor implied her, or her Governments involvement in any incident occurring on or off this station. I do not need her permission to scan vessels entering this station at any time. However I do need to notify her if I plan to board her flagged vessels. That action was not taken as It was not necessary. If she has issues with that she can park her vessels outside the confines of my command.>

If this matter is going to be pursued please let me know so I can have my defense prepared to prepare discovery motions on all documents in preparation for my formal courts martial. As I have responded to your notification be it known that I deny all of these frivolous charges and demand you show proof that my actions to take all measures to protect this station and it's inhabitants was unbecoming of an officer.>

Captain Edward Fannin>

Commanding Officer>


Stardate March 15th 2387


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