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The Grizzly Bear...

Posted on Wed Mar 31st, 2010 @ 3:39am by Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg

459 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Marine Holodeck 5
Timeline: current

After getting his 6 o'clock cleaned in Command Company training Wilhelm decided to get a touch of what he called "demolition release". As Wilhelm made his way to an unused marine holodeck he thought about the last training session. Sure they were able to get to Second Platoon and then to the enemy's big guns. However, Wilhelm and his marines were totally unprepared when an entire mechanized battalion came marching over the next hill immediately after his marines secured the guns. Wilhelm remembered his team placing demo charges on the guns the bugging out in a mad dash to that bombed out town. Without any air support or reinforcements his company's positions where overrun and eliminated. In a final act of defiance, Wilhelm ordered his marines to fix bayonets and charge. Wilhelm remembered the close, extremely violent combat and a flash as someone took a shot at him and 'vaporized' him.

"Time to blow something sky high." Wilhelm muttered to himself as he walked onto the holodeck. Thinking for a quick second Wilhelm looked at the hologrid. "Computer. Give me the desert around El Alamein." Within seconds Wilhelm stood in the 100 degree Egyptian desert with a hot wind blowing into his face. "Computer generate the Starfleet Marines Mk. 6 MBT Grizzly Bear in 14th Armored colors." The computer complied, quickly generating a very large tracked and armored vehicle with a very big barrel sticking out of a turret.

Wilhelm quickly remembered the specs and his training with the vehicle. The Grizzly wieghed in at a little over 70 tons of pure death machine. Wilhelm took a slow stroll around the tank admiring the main pulse phaser cannon, the light phaser cannon on top by the commander's hatch, all 400 mm of the honey-combed armor plating, plus the mini shield generator on top of the engine compartment.

Climbing up on top of the tank Wilhelm climbed into the commanders hatch. "Computer. Activate crew. Immediately a marine corporal was sitting across from him in the gunner's seat. "Where's the target boss?" The Corporal said. Wilhelm then heard "Driver reporting in." Over the internal intercom. Wilhelm then COMM'd the computer again. "Activate targets. Progressing difficulty. Driver, raise shields. Gunner, prepare to engage." Wilhelm let loose a wicked smile as a Klingon Battle Crab materialised about kilometer and a half away. "Gunner. Tank. Elevon o'clock. Full Charge." Responding instantly the gunner moved the turret to bear on the, so far, unaware Klingon. "LOCKED!" The gunner said. Wilhelm responded immediately. "FIRE!"

Wilhelm watched out of the hatch as the Klingon light tank blew heaven ward. Wilhelm then seen what looked like two Cardassian Fishheads flying across the desert for them "Driver, FORWARD FULL SPEED. Gunner, TARGET Two o'clock..."

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
21st Marine CO
SB Typhon


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