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Starfleet, starfleet what Large stations you have!

Posted on Tue Mar 30th, 2010 @ 7:09pm by

456 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Various
Timeline: current


It was the first word to pop into her mind when she saw the Starbase that was soon to be her new home. T'var let her control lapse for a moment and smiled, the feelings of joy and excitement welling up inside her chest. A moment later though she was back in control, her tight, ridged Vulcan exterior once again between her and the outside world. Betraying no hint of the emotions that swirled within.

The shuttle came to an abrupt landing a few moments later, and the young pilot turned in his seat and spoke with a smile. "Glad to have you aboard Miss T'var, the Typhon's a fine place, I'm sure you'll fit right in."

T'var nodded curtly and exited the shuttle inwardly feeling deeply guilty that she hadn't even been paying enough attention to remember the pilots name. As she stepped down from the shuttles ramp she got her first good look at the inside of the station. It was remarkable how spacious it all seemed, more like a planet then a station.

T'var picked up her bag then, and set off towards the crew quarters. The computer directed her along the winding corridors for several minutes and two turbolifts, but she reached her destination seemingly as unfazed as she had been when she landed.

The first thing she noted when she entered the room was the size. It was huge, more like an officer's quarters then an ensigns. And the bed... It look so comfortable and inviting she could almost see just curling up and falling asleep right away...

No... no time for that now...

T'var dropped her bag onto the bed and then exited the room, making her way with the aid of the computer, to main engineering where she would get her first look at the core of the systems she would be working with, and possibly even have the chance to meet her new boss.

Upon entering Main engineering, T'var was once again in for a surprise. She had been expecting the room to be... well she didn't know what she had been expecting, but not this. It was huge and crammed with people. Everyone had a place to be, a job to do. After a few minutes of watching everyone go by T'var was forced to wonder how anyone could find anything. the place was so big!

It was obvious that at this busy hour T'var's hopes of meeting her superior were not going to be fulfilled just yet, so she made her way back to her room, through the winding corridors, and as she walked she let a thin smile creep back onto her face.

This was going to be... fun. Within logical limits of course.


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