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Docking the USS Wasp

Posted on Mon Mar 29th, 2010 @ 8:22pm by Commodore Edward Fannin & Commander Ian Casey

691 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Main bridge Typhon Control
Timeline: Current


Captain Fannin was standing at the console, "Hail the USS Wasp lieutenant" The operations ,flight control and air traffic officers were standing by waiting for the Captain to welcome the Wasp to Typhon.

The screen Snapped on. "Welcome Captain, I'm Edward Fannin, commanding officer of the federation starbase Typhon. Your vessel is cleared to dock please identify."

William stepped in front of the screen and said, "Greetings, Captain. Commander William Nash, Commanding Officer of the Federation Starship Wasp."

"Commander Nash, a pleasure to meet you Sir. Welcome. You are cleared and I look forward to meeting you soon at dock 17."

"Thank you, Sir," William replied. "We're looking forward to experiencing your station's hospitality."

"Your welcome commander. All traffic standing by for your arrival"

Fannin turned to the staff assembled, "Lets have all inbound traffic stand by while the Wasp docks. I'll be heading down to meet Commander Nash. Commander Hartford you have the bridge." Fannin headed for the lift station and to dock 17.

William waited patiently as the ship went through the docking procedure. When the ship was secured he quickly walked to the airlock and waited for it to cycle open. As he stepped through he paused and looked around. This was going to be quite an experience.

Fannin saw the commander straight away and walked towards him holding out his hand.

"Greetings Commander Nash and welcome to your temporary home. This is chief warrant James our command Yeoman."

"Thank you, sir," William said, shaking the man's hand. "Chief," he added, nodding to the Yeoman. "It's an honor to be here, sir," he said, turning his attention back to Edward.

"How was your trip? The Wasp looks almost ready for action."

"The trip was uneventful, which is a blessing," William replied. "We're running with a skeleton crew at the moment. Some of our key officers were scheduled to meet us here."

I have set up some office space for your staff on deck 23. Your crew will be guided to your offices as they arrive. If there's anything you need here just ask, the Typhon will be assigned as the Wasps primary supply station. Our station has several teams of maintenance and engineers standing by should you require them until the rest of your crew arrives."

"That's very kind of you and it's greatly appreciated," William said with a smile. "The crew currently aboard will enjoy having a little time to themselves on the Promenade."

"It's good for them to take the stress of a new ship off for a few hours, I know how busy they will be here. I'll advice medical and the Staff here to assist in any matters you need. Later this week I'll be having an informal dinner at my quarters for the staff and if your not busy your staff is welcome to stop by."

"We would be honored, sir," William replied with a broad smile. "I should probably get back to the ship and release the crew."

"Very well commander, let us know if you need a hand. I'll send word about the dinner date with yeoman James."

"Thank you, sir," William replied as he turned to return to the Wasp. He managed two steps before he paused and turned back to Edward and said, "Excuse me, sir, but is that old scoundrel Ian Casey still on the station?"

"Why yes he is, hasn't been here long, and you can't have him either. He's the only rated command pilot I have." Fannin laughed....

William chuckled as he said, "I don't want him. Besides, I can't use him on the Wasp. We aren't equipped to carry fighters. I met him a couple years ago and I'd heard he was here. I'll have to look him up while I'm here."

"He may be up on the command deck I'll leave word you inquired about him if you wish."

"That would be great, thank you," William said with a smile.

Fannin waved as commander Nash entered the Wasp and he and Jame headed for the bridge to resume the watch.


Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon

Commander William Nash
Commanding Officer
USS Wasp



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