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Long trip to the station

Posted on Sat Apr 3rd, 2010 @ 2:13am by Commodore Edward Fannin

318 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Typhon, Main shuttle bay
Timeline: Current


Commander Mars was sound asleep when the flight attendant shook his arm trying to wake him up. The flight was horribly slow and the crew were very new to interstellar travel. There was nothing he could do except for bear with it. His assignment was unknown to him but he was excited to get the call. he was getting very bored with duty on Vulcan as a law enforcement instructor. He had been training game wardens for the last four years, just long enough to realize he didn't want to stay there anymore...

The shuttle landed and taxied to the padd and set down with a thud as the gas blew out of the struts like an old steam engine. He rubbed his eyes and stood slowly bringing him to his full height. Ray was not made for existing in small places. He needed a room and a large bed and a good shower. Watching the approach to Typhon he realized just how big this place really was huge. He had never seen anything like it before.

He grabbed his bags and headed for the checkpoint for newly arrivals. He tossed his ID on the counter. The security agent checked the badge against the arrival manifest and waved him through the station. "Welcome aboard Commander Mars, need any directions?"

"Yes, where are the visiting officers quarters here on this floating city?"

"Three decks up sir a cabin has been provided for you, birth 119 Sir. If you like I can load the entry key access on your ID card sir." Ray handed the card back and within seconds he was on his way. Three floors up he tossed his bags on the floor and headed for that shower, very nice room with a small sitting room and kitchen. Even a few windows. This could be a flush assignment he thought...


Lt. Commander Martin Ray
Provost Marshall


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