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Posted on Sat Apr 3rd, 2010 @ 3:57am by

310 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Silent Steps Of Murder
Location: Marine Holodeck
Timeline: Current


Jerry hated asking but this would be the perfect opportunity for him to get to know her. her name was Patty Gold and she was a teacher at the school on the station. He had talked with her a few times as she had permission to use the Marine Holodecks.

She had just got out of an aerobics class as he walked up to her. "Hi patty how are you?"

She stopped as she recognized him, but couldn't remember his name, she was pretty sure he was a marine but wasn't sure. "I'm fine, how are you?"

"Good just getting some running in today and I was actually hoping to catch you here." He was far to nervous to toss any kind of line on her. She was just to intelligent for that kind of behavior from a strange guy.

She looked at him, wishing she could remember his name. "Really, well I suppose you have cornered me."

"Yes, I have been invited to a dinner party at the captains quarters, I would like to ask you if you had the time perhaps you would join me."

"The captains quarters, Captain Fannins place? Well I suppose I couldn't turn that down could I. When is it ?"

"Tomorrow, I know this is short notice but it is a casual gathering." he felt bad not asking her sooner, but really didn't think she would except to begin with.

She though he was very charming and was sure he was a perfect gentleman. "You bet I'll meet you on the observation deck just call me when your ready."

Patty bounced off to get to work leaving him standing with a silly look on his face. She still would have to find out his name, but she had a day to do it.


Major Jerry Parino
Battalion Commander
Third Battalion, 21st Marines


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