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Chance Meeting

Posted on Sat Apr 3rd, 2010 @ 6:30am by Commodore Edward Fannin & Commander Raven Adams

431 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Agoura level Two
Timeline: Current


Admiral Stone fell into step beside Raven as she did her shopping..

"Hello commander, how are you this afternoon?"

Raven didn't let him see her surprise. "Hello, sir. I'm well and you?"

"Very well Raven, are you finding anything interesting today?" He walked along side her at a slow pace. "I was going to stop by your office today, but was unable to as technically I'm still visiting Earth."

"You can still visit unofficially," she said. "And, for the record, I find something interesting every day. Life is interesting. Are you referring to something in particular?"

"In general terms yes, there could be some dire moments ahead of us. I have received a few very bizarre letters for a man who calls himself 'Jack'. They are disturbing and after some meetings with a few colleagues consider him or her very dangerous."

Raven gave him a curious glance. "Letters?"

"Yes, I have got Two of them, very strange too."

"Can I see the letters? What do they say?"

"I sent them up to Fleet, whom I believe has also received a few."

"Who specifically?" Raven wanted to track them down and see if she could find any information to help them in their investigation.

"Those were sent to the DCINC, I hope she has received it by now. What you should be looking for is a crazed maniac with a knife as far as I can see. Something tells me that this could be a very credible threat, just a hunch."

"I'll need a bit more than a crazed maniac with a knife," Raven chuckled. "Too many people fit that general profile. I can talk to the Admiral and see what I can do to help."

"I'm gathering some sources now, what I know is this isn't the first station this has happened on so we are looking for someone who hasn't been here long or isn't documented yet which could be in the thousands."

"Then that will be my first priority. I can search for similar deaths and see what I can find. If he uses the same MO, it won't be too difficult," Raven said.

"I would love to stay and visit with you my dear but I must get back to work now. Good luck with your search." Stone bowed and walked away.

"This Admiral will self-destruct in five seconds," she mumbled under her breath as she watched him walk away. Chuckling, she turned back and continued on her way.


RAdm Nickolas Stone, NPC
Theta Fleet Intel Director

Lieutenant Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer
Starbase Typhon


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