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Gossip and rumors abound

Posted on Tue Apr 13th, 2010 @ 3:50am by Commodore Edward Fannin & Commander Krang Darkmoon

872 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Silent Steps Of Murder
Location: Captains Ready Room
Timeline: Current


Fannin looked at Chief James.. "What, another body? When did you hear that?"

James wasn't happy at all to have to bring this to his attention. But rumor control was getting higher on the issue by the hour. "Several children are talking about it at school sir. I was contacted by the school administrator. I asked around and the crew are actively discussing the matter too."

Fannin wasn't happy at all. "Are we sure it's not just rumor?"

"I haven't asked any of the security people yet, Sir."

"Very well, computer, location of Commander Darkmoon."

"The Commander is located on the security deck."

**Deck 576 / Main Security Deck***

The lift opened and Fannin stepped into the lobby. Didn't see much going on as he walked to Darkmoon's Office. The inter office had several yellow clad officers working at desks and they came to attention as he entered the room. "Please let the Commander know I'm here and ask him if he's available to talk with me please."

"I'm sorry, Sir." one of the officers said, "He's not here. He left about 20 minutes ago and said that he was on his way to see you."

"James, contact the bridge and let the commander know I'm down here in his office please. He looked at one of the officers, and held out his hand. I'm Ed Fannin, who and what do you do here?"

Toni took the offered hand and shook it. "Antoinette DiNardo, but most people just call me Toni. What I do here is I am the senior field agent on Commander Darkmoon's team. As for the who, I don't think that is really an appropriate question for the work place and something best left to the imagination."

"I understand that, How many Officers are assigned to this department? Do you supervise any of them?"

"Yes, Sir, I do. I supervise about 10 officers on the Alpha team. Between all the teams there are about 100 agents. Then there are the 'rank and file' type personnel. There are about 2,000 security personnel in the department over all." Toni answered.

While she was talking to Captain Fannin there was the familiar sound of a transporter in the center of the 'bull pen' area. When the sparkles faded, Commander Darkmoon stood there with a rather aggravated look on his face. "I guess we are playing tag, Sir." Krang said to Fannin. "Maybe we should talk in my office."

"Excuse me Toni, I'll talk with you in a bit." Fannin followed Krang into his office.

"I'm not a mind reader, but I'm pretty sure I know why you're here." Krang said in a tone that belied just how grumpy he was feeling lately. "I can't imagine that I could stumble across three murders in as many days and not have you paying me a visit." he said grabbing yet another cup of coffee from the replicator and offering one to the Captain. "The only lead we have so far is an anonymous note, claiming responsibility and taunting me by name saying that there will be more bodies." While he was talking, Krang retrieved the paper note from the file on his desk and handed it to Fannin.

"Thanks" Fannin took the coffee and the note. After a few minutes he handed it back. "This don't sound very good. What's next?"

Krang answered, "I am going to take all three bodies to Doctor Hart for autopsy and hopefully we will be able to gather a few details from there. So far we have zero forensic evidence. It is really frustrating."

"What about additional security personnel, will we need it?" Fannin asked.

"I have every available staff member working this case. I feel that our personnel will be sufficient to the task. I want to keep this 'in house' if at all possible." Krang said, grabbing a cigar out of the ash tray on his desk and fitting firmly into the corner of his mouth. "If we don't have to pull in Starfleet on this, I will be much happier."

"Agreed, I have every confidence in you Krang. We will however need to get the word out to the Senior staff."

"Agreed. I would recommend that we keep the information strictly localized though. We don't want word to get around uncontrolled. Can you imagine if the populous goes into a panic?" He grunted, his voice already sounding tired at the thought.

"All we can do it wait for a break in the case then. I'm sure their will be additional victims, so watch your back closely."

"Yeah." Krang said with a dry half laugh. "He called me out by name. I am going to be sleeping with one eye open till we solve this."

"I'm sure of that, Think a few us will be on edge. Let me know if there's any developments in the case. I will need to be in the loop in case this turns into a media event, which I don't believe will happen."

"Understood, Sir. You will have updates as soon as I have them to give." Krang said.

"Good luck Krang and for g-d's sake be careful."


Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Commander Krang Darkmoon
Chief Security Officer
Starbase Typhon


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