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Evidence Pick-Up

Posted on Thu May 6th, 2010 @ 4:05pm by Commander Lucas Jackson & Commander Krang Darkmoon

447 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Silent Steps Of Murder
Location: Main Security Offices
Timeline: Current

"Hello. I'm hear to pick-up the evidence in need of testing," said a science officer hovering over the desk of the Security Department's secretary. He was breathing heavy. Though he has not been in Starfleet for a long time, he has seen his share of this kind of testing. However, he's never had to conduct testing in order to find a killer.

Kate looked up from her paper work and said, "Ah. We were wondering who they would send. It's right over there." she said, pointing at a carry case used to keep the test samples cold.

"Sorry for the long wait," Lucas said as he walked over to the case. "We've been pretty busy in the Science Department, and no one else thought that these circumstances were enough for commotion." The man shrugged as he gently grabbed the evidence case.

Kate was very surprised at his assertion. "No one thought it was enough for commotion? I would think that the science lab would be jumping at the chance to prove themselves useful in something this high profile."

"Well, to put it nicely, the beginning officers who got the message requesting the pick-up aren't the brightest. They think that their pre-set schedules go before high importance requests." Luke sighed for a moment, releasing some tension. "Anyways, do you know if there's anything in particular that Commander Darkmoon is wanting us to look for?"

"Yes. He wants a full forensic work up on all the evidence. So far we are pretty light on leads and he is hoping that the killer left something behind that we can work with." Kate answered.

"Alright," Luke began, "My team and I will get on it right away." The commander paused for a moment, pulling a PADD from a bag he had over his shoulder. "Also, my Chief Botanist calculated the damages done by some of the security officers to the arboretum. Please make sure Krang gets this list of payments he must make." Lucas handed Kate the PADD with a sly grin on his face.

Kate smiled as she took the PADD. "I can let you know that you should not hold your breath on this one. I will give this to him, but I'm not sure it will make it to the top of his priority list any time soon."

"Well, thank you anyways," Luke said with a smirk. As he turned to walk out of the room, he concluded with, "I best get going. Have a nice afternoon!"

"You too." Kate replied to the man as he left.


Lieutenant Commander Lucas Jackson
Chief Science Officer
USB Typhon

Chief Petty Officer Katheryn "Kate" Eldrich (NPC)
Security Officer
Starbase Typhon


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