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Intricacies of Starship Life

Posted on Sat May 22nd, 2010 @ 7:18pm by Lieutenant Commander Leon Montana [Ducati]

1,227 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Starbase Typhon
Timeline: 1337 hours

The starbase was huge and Tyrone never realized just how big it really was until he got hungry and was looking for the perfect place for a steak and a beer. He was a large man and liked his meat and lots of it. He was so busy looking around at the restaurants that he bumped into someone. "Sorry, sir, it's my fault."

Then he saw it was LCdr Montana. The guy was nice enough, but a little weird for his taste. "Sorry, sir." In his button down shirt and jeans, Tyrone wasn't sure the commander would recognize him from the Hawk.

Holding a collection of padds with the supplies requests on them Leonard was on his way to deliver them to Starbase Chief Operations Officer. He was looking around as he went and saw just a little too late the black man that in a moment collided with him.

The other man apologised and Leonard smiled. "Got to keep an eye on where your walking and me too." He said and wasn't sure who the black man was but he seemed familiar. "Are you from the Blackhawk?"

Tyrone smiled showing very white and even teeth. "Yes, sir. I'm in the engineering department. Ensign Mitchell sir." Tyrone was a little surprised that the Trill remembered him, but it was good to know he wasn't lost among the crowd of engineers.

Tyrone stood there for a moment before saying, "I'm going to have some lunch, know any good places to eat?" He felt a little stupid asking and he had no idea what the guy wanted, especially given that he was gay. Then again, Tyrone came off as the straightest guy alive.

"I actually haven't seen much of the Promenade so I don't know, I was meeting with the Chief of Operations of Typhon discussing the Blackhawk's supply needs." Leonard said.

Tyrone nodded. "Well if you want company for lunch, let me know. It's kinda overwhelming to be in a place this big. The last time I was at a starbase this size I was 12."

"Twelve. I guess this place does seem intimidating. You know what I am a bit hungry so," Leonard looked around and saw a 'Bar and Grill'. "How about there?" He asked the Engineer.

"Sure. Hope they have steak." They went straight to the bar and settled down. Tyrone ordered a sirloin steak and potatoes with a beer and Leonard got a glass of Haliian Muskan seed punch and a Bajorian Hasperat with some Earth chicken breast strips inside.

The operations chief caught himself smiling at the young handsome waiter who delivered their meals to them. Leonard eyed the waiter's body when he made his way back to the Bar and Grill's kitchen.

Tyrone squirmed. He was not afraid of homosexuals. It's just that the open staring was...unnerving. "So," he said, trying to take his superior's head out of his pants. "What kind of sports you like?" He took a big bite of his steak. It was pretty good, if a little dry.

Leonard had suddenly jumped when Tyrone spoke; the operations chief blushed embarrassed but didn't feel ashamed of his interests. Although he could of used discretion he realised. "I enjoy Parrises squares, Swimming and Velocity. How about you?" He picked up his Hasperat and took a bite; the taste was very strong. Leonard coughed then gasped. "Wow," he managed to say.

Tyrone patted him on the back, trying to help him. "You okay?" Tyrone wondered if the Trill would recognize him from his old team, the Mars Warriors. True, it had been before the War, but was nice to be recognized.

"Yeah," his voice was hushed. "A little too strong." After a few more small coughs and Leonard's mind dwelled on his past in Parrises squares; he couldn't believe he didn't see it before. "Speaking of Parrises squares: Mars Warriors." Leonard stated although his voice was still recovering so he said the minimum.

Tyrone smiled. "Yeah, four years. Made the playoffs three years, and made the championship the last two. Still got the rings." He knew he was a Starfleet officer now, but it still felt good to be recognized as a Mars Warrior of 2372.

"Oh yeah that is right." Leonard nodded recalling his research in the Parrises squares game as for part of his interest in the sport. He had during his teenage years joined the school team. "Can I have a look at the ring?" Leonard asked.

"Sure, once we get back to the ships. Best year we ever had was '72. Never been part of a better team."

A smile suddenly appeared on Leonard's lips. "Thanks," he returned his attention to his meal. "Maybe we should look into setting up Parrises squares teams on the Blackhawk?"

Tyrone finished the last of his steak. "That would be cool, but I don't think anyone would be interested in playing against me. Maybe I could referee?"

"Why?" Leonard asked.

Tyrone almost laughed at that. "Because I was a professional. No one will want to play against a former pro athlete and get pounded."

Leonard began giggling then smiled. "Really?"

Tyrone laughed. "Yeah, I was pretty rough in my day. I don't think they would like it much."

"I can imagine. So what other sports are you into Tyrone?" Leonard asked.

"Racquetball, springball, basketball, American football, soccer, rugby, and an obscure Bolian sport that I can't pronounce the name of. So how about you? You follow Velocity as religiously?" He took a sip of his beer. He was enjoying this much more than being the third wheel with Aishel and LtJG Townsend.

Leonard glanced slightly upwards and put his lower lip under his top teeth as he thought about it. "Not really. It's just to keep me fit and hone my phaser skills." He recalled many intimate encounters after a few sessions of Velocity with several guys and girls who challenged him with a game.

Now Tyrone knew where the guy's mind was going. If he was going to be like that, he could be like that by himself. Tyrone wanted nothing to do with an encounter with a guy. He got up and paid for his food. "I'll see ya around, sir." He walked out and didn't look back.

"What did I say?" Leonard called after the engineer wondering why he left. Tyrone's surprise departure left Leonard stunned and his gut nagged him to go after him; so he did. Quickly paying for his food, left the Bar and Grill, chased after Tyrone. "Wait," he stood in the engineer's path. "Did I say or do something to offend you?"

Tyrone stopped. The guy was still his superior. "I just got uncomfortable for a second. I just want to go back to my quarters now. Maybe play some chess with my roommate."

"I'm sorry," Leonard said. "Hope we can talk some more some other time. Take care." He offered his hand.

Tyrone shook his hand and walked off, feeling completely miserable now. Maybe he should start looking into the pareses squares games like Leo suggested. He smiled. That would be perfect. Now he just had to apologize without making it sound like he was hitting on him. Tyrone sighed. The intricacies of starship life...


LCdr Leonard Montana
Chief Operations Officer
USS Blackhawk

Ens Tyrone Mitchell
Played by: Enor


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