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Tea and Cooking Lessons

Posted on Sun Jun 20th, 2010 @ 2:06am by Captain Anna Johnson

1,722 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Silent Steps Of Murder
Location: Tea Room

Anna led her sister Jana through the promenade to the little tea room she had told her about. "Make sure you are respectful to her." She said making sure they weren't yet in earshot of Aiesha. "As long as you respect her and her establishment she will return it in kind. She doesn't believe in serving meat letting you know ahead of time."

Jana nodded, "Got it." She said. Today she wasn't dressed in black but her hair was a dark red almost black color to match the lipstick she currently wore.

When they stepped in Anna smiled and gave a small bow to the small Asian lady in the store. "Miss Aiesha, good to see you today, this is my sister Jana." Anna said.

Aeshia bowed. "Miss Anna. Miss Jana. Welcome to Oriental Tea Room. Sit wherever you like, I will go get you menu."

Anna pointed to a table and Jana followed and took a seat. "I like the looks of this place." Jana said.

Aeshia grabbed a couple of menus, and returned to the table the two had chosen. "It is quiet day today." She said, nodding at the nearly-empty restaurant. "Please let me know when you are ready to order."

Anna nodded, "We will but for now could you please bring over a pot of what ever special tea you have for the day?" She asked.

Aeshia nodded, and smiled. "We have green tea, and something my father called 'Bumberberry' tea." She said, and then nodded to the cabinet behind her. "We also have special fixings for the tea, if you so desire."

"Make us your favorite." Anna said.

"Bumberberry tea is only several mixed berry-teas brewed together." Aeshia said. "I prefer simple green tea, though most people find it kind of bitter."

"Green tea is fine." Anna said, "I would also like to start with a plate of veggie egg rolls please."

Aeshia nodded. "And for the lady with the unhealthy looking hair?"

"I think I would like to try the mixed berry tea please." Jana answered with a grin not offended at all by Aeshia's comment.

Aeshia nodded, with a giggle. "Why would you choose this color for hair? It looks like ancient Japanese art style called 'Anime'."

"I love watching Anime." Jana answered, "I just like the look." she added.

Aeshia smiled. "It look good on you." She said. "Though a little silly."

"I like being unique." Jana said, "Not worried so much about what others think but thank you very much."

Aeshia nodded. "A brave, and honorable thing to say. Not many would say such a thing."

"Thanks," Jana said, "I would love to try some of your stir fry veggies and noodles." She added as she looked at the menu.

"I think I'll have the same." Anna said with a nod.

Aeshia bowed slightly, and went off to prepare the two women's food. "Anything else I can get you?" She asked from behind the counter that divided what could be considered a kitchen, from the dining hall.

"For now the egg rolls and noodles should be good I think" Anna said with a smiel.

Jana sat and watched as Aeshia cooked. She enjoyed watching when food like this was prepared.

Aeshia caught Jana watching a few times. "You want to learn?"

"You don't mind?" Jana asked.

Aeshia smiled. "It is great compliment, from my point of view, but it is up to you."

Jana moved over so she could watch more closely. She especially wanted to learn how to make egg rolls.

Aeshia smiled. "You watch intently, but my father says you cannot learn without getting your fingernails dirty." Aeshia said. She indicated Jana to come closer.

Jana moved closer as instructed and smiled, "This should be fun."

Aeshia grabbed an Apron that read 'Chef Trainee', and handed it to Jana. "These are not Egg Rolls, proper. They are spring rolls, as this is vegetarian restaurant."

"I like them better when they just have vegetables in them anyway." Jana answered as she tied the apron.

Aeshia smiled. "First you take batter. My recipe is close to European Crepes in cooking, and recipe. It is not as unhealthy for you as traditional recipe." She said. "You take batter, and fry it a little. Just until it can be used to roll other things inside. Then in another pan, while waiting, you either boil, or fry the inside ingredients, depending on ingredient. When batter is ready, you mix together other ingredients, and put them in batter. Roll up. Fry up. Done like dinner."

"Okay so we need to cook the cabbage and carrots first then?" Jana asked.

Aeshia nodded. "Very good." She said with a smile. "It is good to have a student that is so easy to teach."

"What sauce and seasoning do you use while they cook then?" Jana asked.

"I try and use salty flavors. Some people use sweet flavors. Some people use sour flavors. Some people a little of both. Some people use spicy flavors. Just make sure consistency is maintained." Aeshia said. "Soy sauce, and a little sea salt is all I use, however."

Jana nodded, "So what consistency does it need to be?" She asked.

"Consistency depends on your taste!" Aeshia said. "I prefer a blander salty taste. Therefore, avoiding things like sweet sauces, or peppers is important. Shredded Cucumber is not a bad addition, but it makes it too moist, so you have to add something to absorb it. You can pretty much shred up, and put in, nearly any vegetable, as long as they all mix nicely."

Jana nodded and added some soy sauce to the mix of cabbage and carrots and a bit of salt and she stirred them together until they cooked enough. "Okay I think we are ready for the outside now." Jana said.

Aeshia nodded. "The batter I make is just flour, eggs, and a little bit of water. You can use milk instead of water, and add a little bit of honey, if you want." She said. "I pre-make it, and freeze it."

She opened a cryo-stasis bucket, and got a scoop full out, and re-sealed the lid. "If you pre-make it, it goes bad fast, so you have to cryo-freeze it."

"I wouldn't pre-make the dough at home anyway because I wouldn't be making that much so I need the recipe." Jana said, "But for now what do we do next?" She asked.

"Put scoop in pan. Minus scoop, of course. Wait for it to fry a little." Aeshia said. Expertly laying the goop out on the pan, she poked, and prodded it slightly, until it was a rough oval. "Flip over, once the bubbles are gone. That way both sides get cooked, and after a minute or so, add other ingredients, and wait for it to get crunchy."

"How do you wrap it?" Jana asked.

"Fork. Fingers. Spatula. Whatever works." Aeshia said. "I use fork and spatula. Traditionally is done with chopsticks."

"Okay," Jana said, "Can you walk me through it?" She asked.

Aeshia nodded. "Is ready. You grab this stuff, with spoon, and dump on like this." She demonstrated. "Wrap, now that it's a little crunchy, and just roll it a bit in the oil."

"How do you tuck it all in nice and neat?" Jana asked.

"This is skill. Takes practice. Delicious practice." Aeshia noted.

"I'm pretty good at burritos so I'm guessing this is similar?" Jana asked.

"I not know this food." Aeshia noted.

"You take a corn flour flat round bread and fill it with beans and cheese sometimes meat then you fold in two edges and roll it into a nice round package." Jana answered, "They usually haven't just come out of the oil though so you can just roll it with you hands."

"Use fork, and spatula. Show me." Aeshia said. She smiled. "Your sister is nice lady too." She added, directed at Anna

Anna smiled, "Thank you, I try to treat people the way I want to be treated." She said.

Jana started folding, though it was a bit clumsy working with the fork and spatula she did the best she could folding it in then rolling it up.

Aeshia smiled. "Good try. You have to remember I have been making this since 3 feet tall." Aeshia noted. "You practice. You get better. It not that difficult."

Jana smiled, "I guess I'd better get out of your way so you can finish now. Thanks for the lesson." She said.

Aeshia bowed, and quickly finished up the rest of the meal. "It is always a pleasure. Having a student in one's kitchen. Provided they do not make a mess."

"I have some time off from school. Maybe I can come help. I was looking for a part time job too." Jana said.

Aeshia looked around. "I sorry lady Jana. In case you don't notice, it is not exactly busy here. If it was busy, I would say yes." She said, noting the relatively sparse, and empty room.

"Maybe I could try and help you round up more business." Jana suggested.

Aeshia smiled. "Feel free." She said. "I will be busy cooking."

"Maybe I can get some of my friends to hang out here some afternoons after school. I'll make sure they are ones that will show proper respect don't worry." Jana said.

"This could be good. Provided they pay." Aeshia said. "Customers who not want to pay are not good."

"I'll make sure they know they need credits." Jana answered.

Aeshia smiled, as she put the two plates of food, and mugs of tea on the table. "On the house." She said softly, so as not to be overheard by other customers that were just entering. "You eat, before gets cold."

Jana opened her mouth to protest and Anna touched her arm letting her know to hush that to refuse would be an insult. Instead Jana smiled, "Thank you very much." She said and pulled out the set of chop sticks she had brought along.

Aeshia bowed slightly, and went off to serve the other customers.


Jana Johnson
Starbase Typhon

Played by, and with

Commander Anna Johnson,
Chief Operations Officer


Aeshia Dew
Owner and Operator,
Oriental Tea Room, Starbase Typhon

Played By

Ambassador Faron Lenar
UFP Ambassador
UFP Embassy, Starbase Typhon

Commander Anna


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