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Federation News Network Broadcast: Goodbye, Starbase Pinnacle

Posted on Mon Aug 9th, 2010 @ 4:16pm by

649 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Federation News Network Archive for Stardate 65209.82

"This is Joanna Jefferies, for the Federation News Network. Not long after this Starbase became the focus of Intergalactic diplomatic tension, the base has been decommissioned. It's quite sad, really, as the older-style base has had quite the history in this sector." The woman on the screen said.

"The Diplomatic tensions, and various medical issues plaguing the base have made the base rather cost-heavy for the cumbersome organization that protects our borders, but to many people, this was home." She continued. "The failing diplomatic efforts with the people of Ivel III are said to be directly responsible for the Pinnacle's mothballing, as the base is no longer permitted to reside within Ivel space. We're joined, via sattelite, now, by one Ambassador Faron Lenar."

The screen splits, showing the inside of a private transport.

"Ambassador Lenar, I was under the impression that you were stationed aboard Starbase Typhon." The woman noted.

"I am, indeed, however, the diplomatic situation with the Klingons requires various treaties to be signed, regarding the future treatment, and extradition, of Allied officers, and, thusly, I am in transit to meet with a Klingon Ambassador, aboard a private transport." The Ambassador noted.

"Well, we wish you the best of luck, in this endeavor. I believe the fact that the Security Officers in question have been unceremoniously dishonorably discharged from Starfleet, following the official Starfleet Inquest should assist your endeavors." The woman said, referring to a few of her notes. "Two officers in question appear to have been given prison time, even."

"Quite a shame, really." The Ambassador said. "As the Klingons actually admired the gall of the Security Officers. As to the Diplomat, who helped straighten this out, I'd officially like to extend a hand to add him to my staff. Can never have too many diplomatic officers, and the Typhon tends to see a lot more diplomatic traffic."

"That's a gallant offer, Ambassador." The woman said, and then quickly changed subjects. "What do you think of the request by Ivel III, to have Pinnacle removed from their space, as it seems to attract unwelcome traffic?"

"Sadly, it's quite reasonable, I just hope we don't have to save their bacon, when some force like the Orions, or plausibly the Romulan government, decide to go knocking at their door. It's quite hard to mount defenses for a planet that refuses to have even a light Federation Embassy with Fleet Personnel present" The Ambassador noted. "I just hope we don't lose any other bases in the area, because of this isolated incident of Security being slightly overzealous in their course of duty."

"Well, that's for future diplomats to take care of. I assume you will have your hands full with the Klingons for the next little while." The reporter noted.

The Ambassador shook his head. "The incident in question is more or less forgiven, from the Klingon side of things. I may find the need to spend some time out your way, madame, as there appears to be slightly more severe Diplomatic issues out that way."

"Well, we are likely to see more of each other, anyways." The woman noted. "As the Diplomatic channel is transferring my reporting position to your staff."

"That'd be a nice change. A regular FNN reporter. They only show up around here when there's a major diplomatic issue, not when there are problems with the station, or what have you." Ambassador Lenar said.

"Regardless, I'm afraid we are running a little short on time for this segment, Ambassador." The woman noted.

"Just as well. I'm hitting an Ion storm in about 20 minutes." The Ambassador noted. "Good day, madame."

"Good day, Ambassador, and good luck."

Fade to the FNN logo.

End of FNN Transcript

Filmed on location, at Starbase Pinnacle's Media Relations center


Liam Johnson

Data and Technology Coordinator:
James Friesen

Joanna Jefferies

Special Guest via Subspace:
Ambassador Faron Lenar


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